Author Topic: DT modification / one-time quests  (Read 13084 times)

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DT modification / one-time quests
« on: March 04, 2012, 05:04:35 pm »
There was some gossip at recall about DTs / one-time quests, so I would like to propose the following suggestions.

One time quests
should only be one-time for tokens, and infinitely many times if the quest gives equipment.

could either:
a) Take one piece of equip only (like VE's death trap), or
b) Just kill the player like the Midland's one - and make corpse (plus items) recoverable via automeld / recover command
c) Just kill the player like the Midland's one, and make corpse (plus items) recoverable only via automeld. So a more advanced player would have to sit and wait out (or get a second set of equip if he/she wants to explore before being automelded)

I'd prefer something like b) or c).

The reason why I suggest this is because one of 4D's strength is in its unique quests and areas, and we players love to show off. But how do people know you've done one of the hardest quests, get the equip, and then walk into a DT (in a new area while exploring?) Then there's no bragging rights at all....

Offline Solinar

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Re: DT modification / one-time quests
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2012, 05:24:32 pm »
i completely agree. The risk of losing eq you cant get back is a deterrent to exploring, at least to me. The length of the penalty could also be proportional to both your level and the number DT's you've walked into.

Offline Natalya B.

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Re: DT modification / one-time quests
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2012, 07:44:31 pm »
Also totally agree. Should remove one time only quests - we can all re-do them on alts, and that's a bit silly...

Offline Prometheus

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Re: DT modification / one-time quests
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2012, 03:09:05 am »
I believe that Once is thinking about having Gypsy's have a skill that they can use to enter dt's and grab some items but there is a chance it wears off and obviously the gypsy can dt too. I think Once would need to add to this discussion or if it is relevant with the discussion.


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Re: DT modification / one-time quests
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2012, 04:05:15 pm »
One-time quests I think should apply to tokens only, though in the past we have had quests (that still exist I think) that are repeatable for tokens, but the token value goes down. I've never agreed with one-timer items though, just because it greatly unbalances the player vs. mob, and player vs. player system at times.

As for removal of DTs, I cannot disagree more. It is the very risk of Dting that makes exploring very "real" so to speak. You're in an unknown land and anything can happen. This is a 4D original. If you're running into Dts it is because you're not cautious enough, and are not paying attention to details. We all DT. Every single one of us. But we grow from it. It is why we experienced veteran players have generally made a second set of "exploring" sets for just in case shit happens.

We have DT insurance, and PERZ for a reason. Just because you can't afford it doesn't mean we couldn't either. Everyone starts out broke. We all work hard to get what tokens and coins we can to make the investments. It is a good system, and removal of DTs would destroy the economy that has been an integral part of our system. Same with houses. I didn't like the price increases, but maybe the IMMs could consider bringing the prices down a notch for PERZ.

We of 4D have something taht we can be truly proud of and that is a quality zones, quests, and a skilled playerbase. If we start changing the fundamentals, then we start losing integrity IMHO.

Anyway, that is just my 2 cents. Less coddling, more balls. ^^
-Tocharaeh D'Araesth
The Dirty Ol'' Drow that time left behind in fear of obliteration!

Offline Bane

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Re: DT modification / one-time quests
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2012, 04:45:12 pm »
Dt's are fine the way they are. I like the fact there are some real risk in this game, makes you have to pay attention more or suffer the penalty for not doing so. All DT's give warning signs, if you choose to skip those warning signs you can only blame yourself. Fixing one time quests will make dts a bit easier to handle.

We also have DT insurance. And Ill agree with Toch I think perzs price should be reduced. We have a new way to handle the lose of items with this new insurance. I thought the 7 silver in the past was reasonable because that was the only way you could keep from perm losing that item. But now I dont think it would be to un reasonable to drop the price down to 5 silver each.

One time quest items are a different story, and as far as I know Diandra was suppose to be looking into removing one time quests. I will agree that they need to be made to be able to complete again.

If shes still hunting them down I think it would be nice if anyone could name off any one time quests they can think of.

 One time Quests I know of
- a hooded white cape with embroidered -silver- Wings
- A ring of sparkling Rain Drops
- Martins Holy Armor
- a platinum pinky ring - think this quest needs tweaked a bit, It needs to auto kick you from the the zone to keep players from logging out in there and hoarding and maxing out this item.
- Robin Hood's Official Greencoat Dagger
- A turquoise thumb ring(i read it on another post from Erwin a while back ago.)
- a gold brow ring

Offline Bane

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Re: DT modification / one-time quests
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2012, 04:47:10 pm »
I believe that Once is thinking about having Gypsy's have a skill that they can use to enter dt's and grab some items but there is a chance it wears off and obviously the gypsy can dt too. I think Once would need to add to this discussion or if it is relevant with the discussion.


Honestly If thats true I find it silly and abuseable. I would just make alts.

Offline Prometheus

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Re: DT modification / one-time quests
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2012, 11:25:59 am »
Easy enough to make it an gm gypsy only skill which would limit it somewhat. But like I said there is a chance the gypsy can dt as well. And I would think level and skill percentage would factor in knowing Once.

As for insurance I guess we might be able to make it a silver for maybe 2 or 3 times instead of 1 to 1? What does Molly think on this?
