While you are going through the skills and spells, why not revive the old thief skills throttle and garotte? They were subskills, not skills, and it took a long and hard quest to get them. Throttle required that instead of your normal weapon you had to wield a garotte, which could only be bought in the Fenizia weapon shop if you'd done the quest.
For some reason they were disabled. Most likely garotte was overpowered, but why not balance them instead of disabling them totally? We want 4D to be unique, so why not use the things that are unique and directly integrated in the zones?
These subskills could be changed into normal skills, which of course means that the questscript would have to be changed a bit in the appropriate places, but the quest itself would have some meaning again.
Two other thief skills were planned but never implemented, shadowmask and shadowcloak.
Shadowmask would mask the identity of the player in the room, so that the long and short desc would say 'a masked figure' instead of the player name.
Shadowcloak would do the same with the who-list, so that it would display 'a cloaked figure' instead of the name. It would also not display the player's equipment when looked upon.
There were some issues with those two skills, since they could potentially be abused, but personally I thought they were cool and perfect for PK.