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Offline erwin

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Non standard game commands
« on: July 19, 2014, 09:00:13 am »
I was talking to some people today, and realized that it's quite hard to know of the "non-standard" game commands that 4D has - most of us know about them only from word of mouth, or going through help files. Examples of these commands are: "--, commands, >" etc

I also realized that even as an experienced player, the main "HELP" screen (when you type help) doesn't give any information that these commands exist, and unless you type: "Help 1, help 2, ...", you'll never get to see all the help files, or know what possibilities there are.

So I was wondering, what could be a good way to ensure that newbies, as well as current players, actually know of these commands? I've some suggestions, what do you all think?

1. An extra room or two in the Mud School (particularly at the beginning) to tell players of this. (Rather have it at the start than at the end to entice more players)

2. A room or so in the Recall area as well

3. Editing the hint channel for the tabard

4. Editing the screen you see when you type HELP to make it clearer

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Non standard game commands
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2014, 09:14:11 am »
The command --. I learned by reading the board west of recall when I was basically new... but that's beside the point really.

I guess there's no problem with it, I just wish the command list didn't list quite a few skills that most players can't do including IMM stuff, but I guess since it is a command in the game it gets listed with all the others.

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Non standard game commands
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2014, 09:33:16 am »
I don't think editing the hint channel for the tabard would help at all.  After all there are 118 hints and I think everyone turns it off after 10 or so.  I just read through them all and there were a couple of commands it lists in the hint channel that I didn't even know we could do.  *hehe*  Yes, I checked and they're on the command list.  Also, the next time someone edits the tabard they need to take out the hint of a 2nd donation room north of Lionel in the mudschool since that room isn't around any more.  That would be hint 68, if anyone looks into it.  A lot of the hints on the tabard are answers to questions that newbies ask anyway.  While the hint channel is great and all for those that use it, I think it's just spammy and most people turn it off.  So, my thought would be to make sure something like this stands out as much as you can - probably as a sign in a room that would make sense.

Offline erwin

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Re: Non standard game commands
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2014, 10:41:04 am »
On an unrelated point, the hints for the tabard can be edited by anyone - just make sure that the maxhint number is set to the correct number in the same script.

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Re: Non standard game commands
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2014, 11:06:02 am »
Yeah, but I'm lazy.  Ask anyone.  Why do it myself when I can get someone else to do it - even if it is a 10 second fix.  ;)

Offline Molly

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Re: Non standard game commands
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2014, 01:20:09 pm »
An extra room attached to Mudschool or the Recall area to inform about all our specific commands sounds like a good idea to me. (It could also be done as some kind of info brochure, that you could carry with you, a bit the same idea as the "blind maps").

I'm all for it, as long as someone else makes the room/object with all the extra descs needed, at present I'm all tied up with the oldwest update myself.

It could be done in any zone in 6002, I can easily copy out the specific object/room, renumber it and add it to an existing zone in the game port, once it is finished.

If anyone wants to take on this task, just let other people know, (for instance on this thread), so that several different people don't work on the same feature

Offline erwin

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Re: Non standard game commands
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2014, 11:26:20 am »
I'll do it!

Offline erwin

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Re: Non standard game commands
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2014, 11:35:29 pm »
This will be a long post - and might be split into five. I looked at the commands, and I decided to first list out what they all do. I was thinking of maybe an info sheet broken down into categories (not just unique commands), or maybe re-organizing helpfiles. In any case, I would like suggestions on how to go about this.

The post will be followed by an alphabetical compilation of all player commands, followed by player commands in categories, and lastly some questions I have about some commands.

Here's the alphabetical compilation

" - See the last few lines of a channel, example: "gossip 
' - Use to say something, example: 'Hi, how are you?
-- - To clear commands.
. - Use to gossip, example: .Hi everyone!
: - Use to emote, example: :ponders.
> - Use to say things to someone, example: >loria hello!

accept - To accept when a player asks you out (mud romance system)
account - To see characters linked to your account
affects - To see current spell / skill affects on your character
afk - Toggles AFK mode - similar to busy, optionally gives a message, example: afk working         
afktell - Toggles whether you hear tells while afk or not.
aggro - Toggles aggro mode (whether you autoattack all mobs you see)
ahall - See the Arena Hall of Fame               
alias - Sets aliases - see help alias for more info       
analyze - Analyzes an item to make an item template (crafting)
answer - The answer channel, example: answer It's 42!
arena - Enter the arena when it is open
arinfo - Toggles whether you see arena messages or not
assist - Assists players in combat, example: assist Calypso                 
ask - Asks a player something, example: ask Loran why?                                     
askout - Ask out a player (mud romance system)
assemble - Assembles components to make items (crafting)
auction - Auction items for sale
auctalk - Talk on the auction channel, example: auctalk I want to buy the Rainbow Serpent's skin
autoassist - Toggles whether you auto-assist a player in combat when grouping
autocompress - Toggles compression for mud client (if client allows)
autoexit - Toggles whether exits are shown or not when you enter a room               
autogold - Toggles whether you automatically loot the gold from a killed mob
autogroup - Will automatically accept people in a group if they follow you
autoloot - Toggles whether you automatically loot items from a killed mob
autosplit - Toggles whether you split the gold with players in a group after killing a mob
autosac - Toggles whether you automatically sacrifice corpses of mobs after killing them
award - Command for RPLs to award points for roleplaying
awho - Check who is in the arena at the moment

buy - Buy items from mobs         
backstab - Backstabs a mob (thief, ranger, GM)   
bake - Puts together ingredients and bakes them (crafting)                       
balance - Checks your bank balance     
bash - Bashes a mob (warrior, hunter, GM)
behead - Beheads a mob (hunter)
berserk - Go into berserk mode to do more damage (warrior, hunter)
bet - Bet coins for some games in particular places
bid - Bid for items in auction         
blackjack - Blackjacks a mob and sends them to sleep (thief, gypsy, GM)                                             
bladedance - Improves hitroll, attack, speed (thief, hunter, gypsy)               
bprompt - Configures your battle prompt (shown only in battle)                             
brief - Goes into brief mode (only room names, objects in room seen)                             
brace - Reduce melee damage by a third (warrior, hunter)                             
breakup - Breakup with a player (mud romance system)                                           
brew - Brew potions (priest, GM)
bs - Backstabs a mob (thief, ranger, GM)
buck - Buck a player if he/she is riding you (centaurs only)
bug - Sends a bug command                   
bury - Buries an item in the room
busy - Toggles BUSY mode - similar to afk, optionally gives a message, example: busy sleeping   

cast - Cast spells
calender - See the calendar (real world)                                                         
changes - Read code changes to the MUD                   
chaos - Activate chaos (heroes, imms)                 
charge - Charges mobs to knock them down (warrior)                 
check - Checks for mail (1 e from recall)
check sky - ??? (seems to be overridden by check)                 
choose - Choose your classes / stats (newbies)                 
clan - See available clan commands         
clear - Clears screen ?         
cleave - Cleaves a mob (warrior)         
climb - Climb objects         
close - Close doors and containers                                       
cls - clears screen?                                       
color - Sets color level for Americans
colour - Sets colour level for rest of the world                                                 
commands - See all mud commands
commandslike - ??
compact - Turns on compact mode (empty lines removed)                     
compare - Compare two items
compress - ??
consider - Considers a mob to see how difficult it is
consent - Consent to players (mud romance system)
convert - Splits high level tokens into smaller ones
convey - Exchanges tokens / tradepoints / gold / awardpoints into other items
corpse - Shows where your corpse is when you die               
craft - Puts parts together to craft an item (crafting)                                       
credits - Show the CircleMUD credits               
ctell - Clan channel

down - Go down in a room
date - See the time and date
damdice - Calculate damdice, example: damdice 10 10
deduct - Deduct tokens from your account                 
delay - Gives a delay between actions (see help file for more info)                                                 
deny - Denies a player (mud romance system)
deposit - Deposits money in bank 
descend - Descend objects
detector - Toggles artifact detector (see help file for more info)               
diagnose - Checks health condition of player / mob, example: diagnose dragon                                   
die - Die if you have too little hp                                     
dig - Dig up buried items                                     
disarm - Disarm a mob of its weapon (thief, warrior hunter)                                     
discard - Discards an object you want to get rid of                                           
dismount - Dismount from a mount
dodge - Toggle dodge mode (thief, ranger)   
donate - Donate items to donation pit               
drink - Drink water from containers
drainblood - Drainblood subskill (quest)                                             
drive - Drive vehicles (see help file for more info) 
drop - Drop items

east - Go east in a room
eat - Consume some food
emote - emotes a sentence, example: emote ponders.
enter - Enter objects (eg portals, spaceships)               
energize - Energize items with stats (crafting)                                                 
encircle - Encircles a mob (thief)
equipment - Shows equipment you're wearing
ethos - Sets your ethos (see help file for more info)
exits - Show visible exits in a room   
examine - Examines an object (also shows more info if it has been IDed)               

face - Face mobs you want to attack when fighting multiple mobs (warrior, hunter, ranger, gypsy, thief, GMs)                                       
feel - Feel an object for more information
fell - Lumberjack subskill (quest)
fence - Build fence (usable in Range)
fill - Fill containers with liquids
filet - Filet animal corpses for food (thief, hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM)                   
finger - Finger a player for more information
fire - ??
flee - Escape from combat                               
flank - Flanks a mob in a group (thief)   
fletch - Fletch arrows from parts (crafting)
fly - Fly vehicles (eg spaceships)
focus - Improves combat ability (ranger, gypsy, GM)
follow - Asks to follow a person to join his/her group
forge - Forge items (crafting) 
forage - Forage for food (thief, hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM)                                           
fortify - Improves defence and health (warrior, hunter)                   
freeze - Freezes people (heroes and imms)
fuel - ??
furyattack - Furyattack subskill (quest)
fuse - Fuse when you have 5 people in a group for greater power
fusion - Check your fused status                                                   

get - Get items from the ground                                         
gate - Build gate (usable in Range)   
give - Give items to mobs / players
gold - Check the gold, tokens, tradepoints you have
gossip - Talk on the gossip channel, example: gossip yo 
grab - Holds an object
grapple - Throws someone out of the room (thief, warrior, hunter, ranger, gypsy)
grats - Talk on the grats channel, example: grats Shannara on levelling!
grip - Improves damroll (warrior, GM)
group - Looks at the status of people in your group
ground - Land (if you are flying)
gsay - Talk in your group
gtell - Talk in your group         

hit - Start an attack, example: hit knight
help - See helpfiles                                                                       
heal - Used at a healer to see prices of heals
hedit - Edit help files (heroes, imms)
hgossip - Gossip channel for heroes
hide - Hide in a room (thief, hunter, ranger)
hold - Holds an object
holler - Hollers a message, example: holler Vegas stepped on my foot
holystrength - Temporarily increases strength to maximum (mage, priest, GM)                     
house - Lets you use house commands for your house (see help file for more info)                                                     
hyperactivity - Gives a large boost to speed (hunter, gypsy)                 
inventory - See your inventory             
ic - In-char roleplay channel, example: ic Hugh             
idea - Posts an idea / read ideas             
identify - Identify items in shops before buying them         
ignore - Puts a player on your ignore list           
ignite - Ignites a lightsaber hilt / lightsaber subskill (quest)             
immlist - See the immlist   
info - Get some info about starting a new player on the MUD         
involve - Controls involvement of group members in combat             
ipstat - See your IP address, client, protocols, and screen length and width                                   
junk - Destroys an object you want to get rid of.               
joust - Joust and try to topple someone of his/her mount (thief, warrior, hunter, ranger, gypsy)                                             
juggle - Juggling subskill (quest)                   
jump - Jump past objects         
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 11:41:51 pm by erwin »

Offline erwin

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Re: Non standard game commands
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2014, 11:35:45 pm »
kill - Starts an attack, example: kill clown         
keeptitle - Prevents title from getting changed         
kick - Kicks a mob (thief, warrior, hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM)         
killlist - See the last few kills you have         
knit - Knit objects (crafting)         
look - Looks at the room         
leave - Leaves a vehicle         
leader - Makes a person the group leader         
levels - Show the amount of exp needed for all levels of your current tier         
list - Shows items sold in a shop                                               
listen - Listens in the room for anything of interest               
lock - Lock containers / doors                                                   
locker - Use locker commands (see help file for more info)                 
loginmsg - Set your log in message           
logoutmsg - Set your log out message       

mail - Sends mail (1 e from recall)
make - Make objects from parts (crafting)
manifest - Manifests a weapon into an orb to do magic damage (mage, priest, esper, GM)
manipulate - Manipulates a weapon to give more speed, attack, defence (mage, gypsy)
map - Displays a map of your surroundings
marry - Show marriage status (mud romance system)                                       
martialarts - Improves defense and speed (thief, ranger, gypsy)   
meditate - Improves regeneration (warrior, hunter, GM)
meld - Melds with your corpse to get back equipment after death
mine - Use mine commands (subskill)     
mix - Mix objects together (crafting)                                       
motd - Sees the message of the day                   
mount - Mounts horses or other suitable mounts (all classes)         
movemsg - Toggles whether you see move messages or not           
murder - Starts combat with players           
north - Go north in a room
news - Read the MUD news
newbie - Talk on the newbie channel, example: newbie I am a newbie
noauction - Toggle whether you can hear the auction channel
nobattlespam - Toggle whether you see battlespam
nobrag - ??
noctalk - Toggle whether you can hear clan talk               
nogate - Toggle whether you want players to gate to you   
nogossip - Toggles whether you can hear the gossip channel
nograts - Toggles whether you can hear the congrats channel
nographics - Toggles whether you see graphics or not
nohero - Toggles whether you can hear the hero channel                                   
noic - Toggles whether you can hear the ic channel                 
nomail - Toggles whether you see mail messages
nomating - ???                                       
nomount - Toggles whether you want players to mount you (centaur)               
nonewbie - Toggles whether you can hear the newbie channel
noooc - Toggles whether you can hear the ooc channel
norepeat - Toggles whether your communication is repeated
noshout - Toggles whether you can hear shouts
nodisplaytitle - Toggles whether you see players' full titles
nosummon - Toggles whether you can be summoned
note - Use note commands (see help file for more info)
noteleport - Toggles whether teleport spell can be cast on you                                       
notell - Toggles whether you can hear tells
offer - ??             
offtell - Toggles whether you can hear tells
ooc - Ooc channel                   
open - Open containers and doors     
order - Order charmed mobs about

put - Put objects in containers             
page - Page players                   
pageheight - Configure pageheight for your client     
pagewidth - Configure pagewidth for your client
pagewrap - Toggles pagewrap
password - Change your password
pemote - emotes a sentence, example: emote whistles innocently.
phase - Chance of avoiding attack and attacking back (thief, ranger, gypsy, esper)
pick - Picks a lock (thief, ranger, GM)     
poisonweapon - Poisons a weapon (thief) 
policy - See the MUD policy   
pose - Pose text for RP sessions     
pour - Pour liquid from containers                                       
practice - Practice spells / skills
pretitle - Sets a pretitle
prereq - Show prereqs for all skills / spells
prompt - Configures your prompt   
propose - Propose to a player (mud romance system)             
pull - Pull items (eg levers)
push - Push players / mobs into adjacent rooms (warrior, hunter, GM)

quaff - Quaff potions                   
qsay - Quest say messages, example: qsay this is a quest           
quest - Join the Quest
question - Ask a question, example: question What is the last digit of pi?
qui - Filler for quit
quit - Exit the MUD
reply - Reply to tells                   
radar - See radar (in spaceships)
read - Read bulletin boards
recite - Recite scrolls
recall - Brings you back to recall if you are less than level 43
receive - Receive mail (1e from recall)
recho - ???
recover - Recover your corpse after death (1e1d from recall)                                                 
register - Use this if you want to be a PK-er
reject - Reject a player's romantic advances (mud romance system)
reload - Reload guns
remove - Remove pieces of equipment if you are wearing them     
rent - ??
report - Reports your status to everyone in the room
replylock - ???       
rest - Rest to restore some hp / mana / moves                                     
rescue - Rescue someone in combat (warrior, GM)                 
retreat - Retreat from combat without losing XP (warrior, ranger, GM)                 
reward - Reward players with RP points                 
rouse - Wake players / mobs                 
rp - Toggle roleplaying mode                                           
rsay - Say messages in character, example: rsay I am a roleplayer                   

south - Go south in a room
say - Say something, example: say hi
sacrifice - Sacrifice corpses and items for some gold
sail - Sail ships (see help file for more info)                       
sample - Sample a bit of food
save - Saves your character and aliases                               
sayto - Say something to someone, example: sayto Molly hi
scalp - Scalps a corpse (hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM)   
scan - Scans nearby rooms (thief, hunter, ranger, GM)             
score - Shows your character's statistics and other information                               
scribe - Scribe spells on scrolls to be used (mage, priest, esper, GM)                           
search - Search a room for hidden exits                                                   
seduce - Seduce a player (mud romance system)
sell - Sell an item to a shop
sharpen - Sharpens a weapon (thief, warrior, hunter)
shout - Shouts to everyone, example: shout I have a sore throat
shoot - Shoots a gun or a crossbow
silence - Silences a player (heroes and imms)                 
sip - Takes a sip from a liquid container
sit - Sits to regenerate some hp / mana / moves
skilllist - See the skilllist of a particular class                                               
skills - Shows a list of your skills
skin - Skins corpses
sleep - Sleep to regenerate some hp / mana / moves               
slip - Slips an item into a mob / player's inventory (thief)   
slit - Slit throats (gypsy)
smash - Tries to break your opponent's shield (warrior, hunter)                                     
smell - Sniffs a room / object for more information                                     
snare - Traps a mob so they cannot flee (thief, hunter, gypsy, GM)                                                 
sneak - Go into stealth mode (thief, ranger, gypsy, GM)     
socials - See a list of all socials     
speedwalk - Speedwalk to a place (see help file for more info)       
spellinfo - See info about skills and spells                             
spells - See a list of your spells                             
split - Split gold within your group                                               
stand - Stand up after sleeping / sitting
steal - Steal items from mobs (thief, ranger, gypsy, GM) 
strangle - Strangles a mob (thief, GM)
struggle - Struggle free from grips
swap - Swap objects from your left hand to your right hand         
sweepattack - Does the sweepattack subskill (quest)                                             

task - Task subskill (quest)   
take - Get an object   
tame - Tame a mount (thief, warrior, hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM) 
taste - Taste an object for more information   
tell - Sends a tell to someone, example: tell kvetch hi
thatch - Thatches objects (crafting)
throw - Throws an object at a mob (thief, warrior, hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM)
thrust - Thrusts a weapon at a mob (ranger)                                               
tiername - Shows tiername of a class
time - Checks the in-game time
tinker - Tinkers with a weapon to improve its damage (gypsy)                 
title - Set your title on the who list                                               
toggle - See all your toggles
track - Track a mob (thief, hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM)
trade - Use tradepoints to trade items at certain mobs
trample - Trample a mob with your mount (thief, warrior, hunter, ranger, gypsy)
truestrike - Increases damroll (warrior, ranger)
tunnel - Mining subskill (see help file for more info)                   
typo - Submit in a typo report                                         

up - Go up in a room
ungroup - Remove a person from the group
unlock - Unlocks a container or a door
unregister - Unregister as a player killer
use - Use wands and misc objects

value - Values (gives price of) an item before selling it         
version - See the version of the MUD         
visible - Turn yourself visible if you want to break invisibility                   

west - Go west in a room
wager - Wager on players in the arena
wake - Wake a person
wear - Wear equipment
weather - Check the current weather
weave - Weave items together (crafting)                                 
where - Check where players and mobs are in a zone         
whisper - Whispers to someone in the room         
who - See the who list         
whoami - See who you are   
wield - Wield weapons     
wimpy - Sets your wimpy level
withdraw - Withdraw money from a bank
wizlist - See the wizlist                           
woodsing - Get staves from trees (gypsy)                           
worth - See some information about your character                                                 
write - Write notes to players           

Offline erwin

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Re: Non standard game commands
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2014, 11:37:38 pm »
Here are the commands split into categories - note that each category may have duplicate entries, because some commands may fit into more than one category.


ahall - See the Arena Hall of Fame
arena - Enter the arena when it is open
arinfo - Toggles whether you see arena messages or not
awho - Check who is in the arena at the moment
wager - Wager on players in the arena


clan - See available clan commands
ctell - Clan channel


aggro - Toggles aggro mode (whether you autoattack all mobs you see)
assist - Assists players in combat, example: assist Calypso
autogold - Toggles whether you automatically loot the gold from a killed mob
autoloot - Toggles whether you automatically loot items from a killed mob
autosac - Toggles whether you automatically sacrifice corpses of mobs after killing them
consider - Considers a mob to see how difficult it is
damdice - Calculate damdice, example: damdice 10 10
delay - Gives a delay between actions (see help file for more info)
diagnose - Checks health condition of player / mob, example: diagnose dragon 
die - Die if you have too little hp
ethos - Sets your ethos (see help file for more info)
flee - Escape from combat
hit - Start an attack, example: hit knight
heal - Used at a healer to see prices of heals
kill - Starts an attack, example: kill clown
killlist - See the last few kills you have
meld - Melds with your corpse to get back equipment after death
murder - Starts combat with players
nobattlespam - Toggle whether you see battlespam
nogate - Toggle whether you want players to gate to you
nomount - Toggles whether you want players to mount you (centaur)
nosummon - Toggles whether you can be summoned
noteleport - Toggles whether teleport spell can be cast on you
order - Order charmed mobs about
practice - Practice spells / skills
prereq - Show prereqs for all skills / spells
quaff - Quaff potions
recite - Recite scrolls
recover - Recover your corpse after death (1e1d from recall)
register - Use this if you want to be a PK-er
reload - Reload guns
rest - Rest to restore some hp / mana / moves
shoot - Shoots a gun or a crossbow
sit - Sits to regenerate some hp / mana / movs
sleep - Sleep to regenerate some hp / mana / moves
stand - Stand up after sleeping / sitting
struggle - Struggle free from grips
swap - Swap objects from your left hand to your right hand
unregister - Unregister as a player killer
wield - Wield weapons
wimpy - Sets your wimpy level

Communication / Player Interaction

" - See the last few lines of a channel, example: "gossip 
' - Use to say something, example: 'Hi, how are you?
-- - To clear commands.
. - Use to gossip, example: .Hi everyone!
: - Use to emote, example: :ponders.
> - Use to say things to someone, example: >loria hello!
afk - Toggles AFK mode - similar to busy, optionally gives a message, example: afk working   
afktell - Toggles whether you hear tells while afk or not.
answer - The answer channel, example: answer It's 42! 
ask - Asks a player something, example: ask Loran why?
auctalk - Talk on the auction channel, example: auctalk I want to buy the Rainbow Serpent's skin
busy - Toggles BUSY mode - similar to afk, optionally gives a message, example: busy sleeping
check - Checks for mail (1 e from recall)
ctell - Clan channel
emote - emotes a sentence, example: emote ponders.
give - Give items to mobs / players
gossip - Talk on the gossip channel, example: gossip yo
grats - Talk on the grats channel, example: grats Shannara on levelling!
gsay - Talk in your group
gtell - Talk in your group   
hgossip - Gossip channel for heroes
holler - Hollers a message, example: holler Vegas stepped on my foot
house - Lets you use house commands for your house (see help file for more info)
ic - In-char roleplay channel, example: ic Hugh
idea - Posts an idea / read ideas             
ignore - Puts a player on your ignore list
loginmsg - Set your log in message           
logoutmsg - Set your log out message
mail - Sends mail (1 e from recall)
movemsg - Toggles whether you see move messages or not
newbie - Talk on the newbie channel, example: newbie I am a newbie
noauction - Toggle whether you can hear the auction channel
noctalk - Toggle whether you can hear clan talk
nogossip - Toggles whether you can hear the gossip channel
nograts - Toggles whether you can hear the grats channel
nohero - Toggles whether you can hear the hero channel
noic - Toggles whether you can hear the ic channel 
nomail - Toggles whether you see mail messages
nomount - Toggles whether you want players to mount you (centaur)
nonewbie - Toggles whether you can hear the newbie channel
noooc - Toggles whether you can hear the ooc channel
norepeat - Toggles whether your communication is repeated
noshout - Toggles whether you can hear shouts
note - Use note commands (see help file for more info)
notell - Toggles whether you can hear tells
offtell - Toggles whether you can hear tells
ooc - Ooc channel
page - Page players
pemote - emotes a sentence, example: emote whistles innocently.
pose - Pose text for RP sessions
pretitle - Sets a pretitle
qsay - Quest say messages, example: qsay this is a quest
quest - Join the Quest
question - Ask a question, example: question What is the last digit of pi?
reply - Reply to tells
read - Read bulletin boards
receive - Receive mail (1e from recall)
rouse - Wake players / mobs
rp - Toggle roleplaying mode
rsay - Say messages in character, example: rsay I am a roleplayer
say - Say something, example: say hi
sayto - Say something to someone, example: sayto Molly hi
shout - Shouts to everyone, example: shout I have a sore throat
silence - Silences a player (heroes and imms)
split - Split gold within your group
tell - Sends a tell to someone, example: tell kvetch hi
title - Set your title on the who list
wake - Wake a person
whisper - Whispers to someone in the room
write - Write notes to players


analyze - Analyzes an item to make an item template
assemble - Assembles components to make items
bake - Puts together ingredients and bakes them
craft - Puts parts together to craft an item
energize - Energize items with stats
fence - Build fence (usable in Range)
fletch - Fletch arrows from parts
forge - Forge items
gate - Build gate (usable in Range)
knit - Knit objects
make - Make objects from parts
mix - Mix objects together
skin - Skins corpses
thatch - Thatches objects
weave - Weave items together

Currencies / Trade / Buying and Selling

auction - Auction items for sale
auctalk - Talk on the auction channel, example: auctalk I want to buy the Rainbow Serpent's skin
autogold - Toggles whether you automatically loot the gold from a killed mob
balance - Checks your bank balance
buy - Buy items from mobs     
bid - Bid for items in auction
convert - Splits high level tokens into smaller ones
convey - Exchanges tokens / tradepoints / gold / awardpoints into other items
deduct - Deduct tokens from your account
deposit - Deposits money in bank
gold - Check the gold, tokens, tradepoints you have
identify - Identify items in shops before buying them
locker - Use locker commands (see help file for more info)
noauction - Toggle whether you can hear the auction channel
sacrifice - Sacrifice corpses and items for some gold
sell - Sell an item to a shop
trade - Use tradepoints to trade items at certain mobs
value - Values (gives price of) an item before selling it
withdraw - Withdraw money from a bank


bury - Buries an item in the room
climb - Climb objects
close - Close doors and containers
compare - Compare two items
consider - Considers a mob to see how difficult it is
corpse - Shows where your corpse is when you die
down - Go down in a room
descend - Descend objects
detector - Toggles artifact detector (see help file for more info)
dig - Dig up buried items
dismount - Dismount from a mount
drink - Drink water from containers
drive - Drive vehicles (see help file for more info)
drop - Drop items
east - Go east in a room
eat - Consume some food
enter - Enter objects (eg portals, spaceships)
equipment - Shows equipment you're wearing
exits - Show visible exits in a room
examine - Examines an object (also shows more info if it has been IDed)
feel - Feel an object for more information
fill - Fill containers with liquids
fly - Fly vehicles (eg spaceships)
get - Get items from the ground
give - Give items to mobs / players
grab - Holds an object
ground - Land (if you are flying)
heal - Used at a healer to see prices of heals
hold - Holds an object
jump - Jump past objects
leave - Leaves a vehicle
list - Shows items sold in a shop
listen - Listens in the room for anything of interest 
lock - Lock containers / doors
locker - Use locker commands (see help file for more info)
map - Displays a map of your surroundings
meld - Melds with your corpse to get back equipment after death
movemsg - Toggles whether you see move messages or not
north - Go north in a room
nogate - Toggle whether you want players to gate to you
noteleport - Toggles whether teleport spell can be cast on you
open - Open containers and doors 
order - Order charmed mobs about
put - Put objects in containers
pick - Picks a lock (thief, ranger, GM)
pour - Pour liquid from containers
practice - Practice spells / skills
pull - Pull items (eg levers)
quaff - Quaff potions
radar - See radar (in spaceships)
recite - Recite scrolls
recall - Brings you back to recall if you are less than level 43
recover - Recover your corpse after death (1e1d from recall)
reload - Reload guns
rest - Rest to restore some hp / mana / moves
rouse - Wake players / mobs
south - Go south in a room
sail - Sail ships (see help file for more info)
sample - Sample a bit of food
scan - Scans nearby rooms (thief, hunter, ranger, GM)
search - Search a room for hidden exits
sip - Takes a sip from a liquid container
sit - Sits to regenerate some hp / mana / moves
sleep - Sleep to regenerate some hp / mana / moves
smell - Sniffs a room / object for more information
speedwalk - Speedwalk to a place (see help file for more info)
stand - Stand up after sleeping / sitting
swap - Swap objects from your left hand to your right hand
take - Get an object
taste - Taste an object for more information
time - Checks the in-game time
track - Track a mob (thief, hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM)
trade - Use tradepoints to trade items at certain mobs
up - Go up in a room
unlock - Unlocks a container or a door
use - Use wands and misc objects
visible - Turn yourself visible if you want to break invisibility
west - Go west in a room
wake - Wake a person
wear - Wear equipment
weather - Check the current weather
where - Check where players and mobs are in a zone
wimpy - Sets your wimpy level


autoassist - Toggles whether you auto-assist a player in combat when grouping
autogroup - Will automatically accept people in a group if they follow you
autosplit - Toggles whether you split the gold with players in a group after killing a mob
buck - Buck a player if he/she is riding you (centaurs only)
follow - Asks to follow a person to join his/her group
fuse - Fuse when you have 5 people in a group for greater power
fusion - Check your fused status 
group - Looks at the status of people in your group
involve - Controls involvement of group members in combat
leader - Makes a person the group leader
order - Order charmed mobs about
split - Split gold within your group
ungroup - Remove a person from the group

« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 11:42:11 pm by erwin »

Offline erwin

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Re: Non standard game commands
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2014, 11:38:28 pm »


account - To see characters linked to your account
affects - To see current spell / skill affects on your character
brief - Goes into brief mode (only room names, objects in room seen)
bug - Sends a bug command
calender - See the calendar (real world)
changes - Read code changes to the MUD
check - Checks for mail (1 e from recall)
commands - See all mud commands
compact - Turns on compact mode (empty lines removed)
compare - Compare two items
consider - Considers a mob to see how difficult it is
corpse - Shows where your corpse is when you die
credits - Show the CircleMUD credits
date - See the time and date
damdice - Calculate damdice, example: damdice 10 10
deposit - Deposits money in bank
detector - Toggles artifact detector (see help file for more info)
equipment - Shows equipment you're wearing
exits - Show visible exits in a room
examine - Examines an object (also shows more info if it has been IDed)
feel - Feel an object for more information
finger - Finger a player for more information
help - See helpfiles
heal - Used at a healer to see prices of heals
hedit - Edit help files (heroes, imms)
inventory - See your inventory
idea - Posts an idea / read ideas             
immlist - See the immlist
info - Get some info about starting a new player on the MUD
ipstat - See your IP address, client, protocols, and screen length and width
killlist - See the last few kills you have
look - Looks at the room
levels - Show the amount of exp needed for all levels of your current tier
list - Shows items sold in a shop
listen - Listens in the room for anything of interest 
map - Displays a map of your surroundings
motd - Sees the message of the day
news - Read the MUD news
note - Use note commands (see help file for more info)
page - Page players
password - Change your password
policy - See the MUD policy
pose - Pose text for RP sessions
prereq - Show prereqs for all skills / spells
radar - See radar (in spaceships)
read - Read bulletin boards
receive - Receive mail (1e from recall)
report - Reports your status to everyone in the room
sample - Sample a bit of food
score - Shows your character's statistics and other information
search - Search a room for hidden exits
skilllist - See the skilllist of a particular class
skills - Shows a list of your skills
skin - Skins corpses
smell - Sniffs a room / object for more information
socials - See a list of all socials 
spellinfo - See info about skills and spells
spells - See a list of your spells
taste - Taste an object for more information
tiername - Shows tiername of a class
time - Checks the in-game time
typo - Submit in a typo report
version - See the version of the MUD
where - Check where players and mobs are in a zone
who - See the who list
whoami - See who you are       
wizlist - See the wizlist
worth - See some information about your character


alias - Sets aliases - see help alias for more info
award - Command for RPLs to award points for roleplaying
bet - Bet coins for some games in particular places
buck - Buck a player if he/she is riding you (centaurs only)
bug - Sends a bug command
bury - Buries an item in the room
calender - See the calendar (real world)
chaos - Activate chaos (heroes, imms)
choose - Choose your classes / stats (newbies)
clear - Clears screen ?
close - Close doors and containers
cls - Clears screen?
color - Sets color level for Americans
colour - Sets colour level for rest of the world   
commands - See all mud commands                                             
compact - Turns on compact mode (empty lines removed)
corpse - Shows where your corpse is when you die
credits - Show the CircleMUD credits
delay - Gives a delay between actions (see help file for more info)
die - Die if you have too little hp
dig - Dig up buried items
discard - Discards an object you want to get rid of 
donate - Donate items to donation pit
drink - Drink water from containers
drop - Drop items
eat - Consume some food
equipment - Shows equipment you're wearing
ethos - Sets your ethos (see help file for more info)
fill - Fill containers with liquids
freeze - Freezes people (heroes and imms)
get - Get items from the ground
grab - Holds an object
ground - Land (if you are flying)
hedit - Edit help files (heroes, imms)
hold - Holds an object
house - Lets you use house commands for your house (see help file for more info)
idea - Posts an idea / read ideas 
junk - Destroys an object you want to get rid of.           
leave - Leaves a vehicle
mail - Sends mail (1 e from recall)
meld - Melds with your corpse to get back equipment after death
motd - Sees the message of the day
put - Put objects in containers
password - Change your password
policy - See the MUD policy
pour - Pour liquid from containers
pretitle - Sets a pretitle
prompt - Configures your prompt
quest - Join the Quest
qui - Filler for quit
quit - Exit the MUD
recall - Brings you back to recall if you are less than level 43
recover - Recover your corpse after death (1e1d from recall)
register - Use this if you want to be a PK-er
remove - Remove pieces of equipment if you are wearing them
rest - Rest to restore some hp / mana / moves
reward - Reward players with RP points
rouse - Wake players / mobs
sail - Sail ships (see help file for more info)
sample - Sample a bit of food
save - Saves your character and aliases
silence - Silences a player (heroes and imms)
sip - Takes a sip from a liquid container
sit - Sits to regenerate some hp / mana / movs
sleep - Sleep to regenerate some hp / mana / moves
socials - See a list of all socials 
speedwalk - Speedwalk to a place (see help file for more info)
stand - Stand up after sleeping / sitting
struggle - Struggle free from grips
take - Get an object
title - Set your title on the who list
typo - Submit in a typo report
visible - Turn yourself visible if you want to break invisibility
wake - Wake a person
wear - Wear equipment
weather - Check the current weather
where - Check where players and mobs are in a zone
who - See the who list
whoami - See who you are       
wield - Wield weapons

Mud Romance

accept - To accept when a player asks you out
askout - Ask out a player
breakup - Breakup with a player
consent - Consent to players
deny - Denies a player
marry - Show marriage status
propose - Propose to a player
reject - Reject a player's romantic advances
seduce - Seduce a player

Subskills / Skills / Spells

backstab - Backstabs a mob (thief, ranger, GM)
bash - Bashes a mob (warrior, hunter, GM)
behead - Beheads a mob (hunter)
berserk - Go into berserk mode to do more damage (warrior, hunter)
blackjack - Blackjacks a mob and sends them to sleep (thief, gypsy, GM)
bladedance - Improves hitroll, attack, speed (thief, hunter, gypsy)
brace - Reduce melee damage by a third (warrior, hunter)
brew - Brew potions (priest, GM)
bs - Backstabs a mob (thief, ranger, GM)
cast - Cast spells
charge - Charges mobs to knock them down (warrior)
cleave - Cleaves a mob (warrior)
disarm - Disarm a mob of its weapon (thief, warrior hunter)
dodge - Toggle dodge mode (thief, ranger)
drainblood - Drainblood subskill (quest)
encircle - Encircles a mob (thief)
face - Face mobs you want to attack when fighting multiple mobs (warrior, hunter, ranger, gypsy, thief, GMs)
fell - Lumberjack subskill (quest)
filet - Filet animal corpses for food (thief, hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM)
flank - Flanks a mob in a group (thief)
focus - Improves combat ability (ranger, gypsy, GM)
forage - Forage for food (thief, hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM)
fortify - Improves defence and health (warrior, hunter)
furyattack - Furyattack subskill (quest)
grapple - Throws someone out of the room (thief, warrior, hunter, ranger, gypsy)
hide - Hide in a room (thief, hunter, ranger)
holystrength - Temporarily increases strength to maximum (mage, priest, GM)                     
hyperactivity - Gives a large boost to speed (hunter, gypsy)
ignite - Ignites a lightsaber hilt / lightsaber subskill (quest)
joust - Joust and try to topple someone of his/her mount (thief, warrior, hunter, ranger, gypsy)
juggle - Juggling subskill (quest) 
kick - Kicks a mob (thief, warrior, hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM)
manifest - Manifests a weapon into an orb to do magic damage (mage, priest, esper, GM)
manipulate - Manipulates a weapon to give more speed, attack, defence (mage, gypsy)
martialarts - Improves defense and speed (thief, ranger, gypsy)
meditate - Improves regeneration (warrior, hunter, GM)
mine - Use mine commands (subskill) 
mount - Mounts horses or other suitable mounts (all classes)
phase - Chance of avoiding attack and attacking back (thief, ranger, gypsy, esper)
pick - Picks a lock (thief, ranger, GM)
poisonweapon - Poisons a weapon (thief)
push - Push players / mobs into adjacent rooms (warrior, hunter, GM)
rescue - Rescue someone in combat (warrior, GM)
retreat - Retreat from combat without losing XP (warrior, ranger, GM)
scalp - Scalps a corpse (hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM)
scan - Scans nearby rooms (thief, hunter, ranger, GM)
scribe - Scribe spells on scrolls to be used (mage, priest, esper, GM)
sharpen - Sharpens a weapon (thief, warrior, hunter)
slip - Slips an item into a mob / player's inventory (thief)
slit - Slit throats (gypsy)
smash - Tries to break your opponent's shield (warrior, hunter)
snare - Traps a mob so they cannot flee (thief, hunter, gypsy, GM) 
sneak - Go into stealth mode (thief, ranger, gypsy, GM)
steal - Steal items from mobs (thief, ranger, gypsy, GM)
strangle - Strangles a mob (thief, GM)
sweepattack - Does the sweepattack subskill (quest)
task - Task subskill (quest)
tame - Tame a mount (thief, warrior, hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM)
throw - Throws an object at a mob (thief, warrior, hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM)
thrust - Thrusts a weapon at a mob (ranger)
tinker - Tinkers with a weapon to improve its damage (gypsy)
track - Track a mob (thief, hunter, ranger, gypsy, GM)
trample - Trample a mob with your mount (thief, warrior, hunter, ranger, gypsy)
truestrike - Increases damroll (warrior, ranger)
tunnel - Mining subskill (quest)               
woodsing - Get staves from trees (gypsy)   

Toggleables / Configurations for characters

bprompt - Configures your battle prompt (shown only in battle)
prompt - Configures your prompt

afk - Toggles AFK mode - similar to busy, optionally gives a message, example: afk working   
afktell - Toggles whether you hear tells while afk or not.
busy - Toggles BUSY mode - similar to afk, optionally gives a message, example: busy sleeping

toggle - See all your toggles

pageheight - Configure pageheight for your client     
pagewidth - Configure pagewidth for your client
pagewrap - Toggles pagewrap

autocompress - Toggles compression for mud client (if client allows)
autoexit - Toggles whether exits are shown or not when you enter a room
autogold - Toggles whether you automatically loot the gold from a killed mob
autoloot - Toggles whether you automatically loot items from a killed mob
autosac - Toggles whether you automatically sacrifice corpses of mobs after killing them

brief - Goes into brief mode (only room names, objects in room seen)
compact - Turns on compact mode (empty lines removed)
keeptitle - Prevents title from getting changed 

loginmsg - Set your log in message           
logoutmsg - Set your log out message
movemsg - Toggles whether you see move messages or not

noauction - Toggle whether you can hear the auction channel
nobattlespam - Toggle whether you see battlespam
noctalk - Toggle whether you can hear clan talk
nodisplaytitle - Toggles whether you see players' full titles
nogate - Toggle whether you want players to gate to you
nogossip - Toggles whether you can hear the gossip channel
nographics - Toggles whether you see graphics or not
nograts - Toggles whether you can hear the grats channel
nohero - Toggles whether you can hear the hero channel
noic - Toggles whether you can hear the ic channel 
nomail - Toggles whether you see mail messages
nomount - Toggles whether you want players to mount you (centaur)
nonewbie - Toggles whether you can hear the newbie channel
noooc - Toggles whether you can hear the ooc channel
norepeat - Toggles whether your communication is repeated
noshout - Toggles whether you can hear shouts
nosummon - Toggles whether you can be summoned
noteleport - Toggles whether teleport spell can be cast on you
notell - Toggles whether you can hear tells
offtell - Toggles whether you can hear tells

Unique (this was the main goal actually!)

-- - To clear commands.
account - To see characters linked to your account
bprompt - Configures your battle prompt (shown only in battle)
bury - Buries an item in the room
calender - See the calendar (real world)
climb - Climb objects
clear - Clears screen ?
cls - Clears screen?
convert - Splits high level tokens into smaller ones
convey - Exchanges tokens / tradepoints / gold / awardpoints into other items
corpse - Shows where your corpse is when you die
damdice - Calculate damdice, example: damdice 10 10
deduct - Deduct tokens from your account
delay - Gives a delay between actions (see help file for more info)
descend - Descend objects
detector - Toggles artifact detector (see help file for more info)
die - Die if you have too little hp
dig - Dig up buried items
drive - Drive vehicles (see help file for more info)
enter - Enter objects (eg portals, spaceships)
ethos - Sets your ethos (see help file for more info)
feel - Feel an object for more information
fuse - Fuse when you have 5 people in a group for greater power
fusion - Check your fused status
ground - Land (if you are flying)
ignore - Puts a player on your ignore list
ipstat - See your IP address, client, protocols, and screen length and width
jump - Jump past objects
keeptitle - Prevents title from getting changed 
killlist - See the last few kills you have
listen - Listens in the room for anything of interest 
locker - Use locker commands (see help file for more info)
loginmsg - Set your log in message           
logoutmsg - Set your log out message
map - Displays a map of your surroundings
movemsg - Toggles whether you see move messages or not
pageheight - Configure pageheight for your client     
pagewidth - Configure pagewidth for your client
pagewrap - Toggles pagewrap
pull - Pull items (eg levers)
recover - Recover your corpse after death (1e1d from recall)
sail - Sail ships (see help file for more info)
smell - Sniffs a room / object for more information
speedwalk - Speedwalk to a place (see help file for more info)
taste - Taste an object for more information
trade - Use tradepoints to trade items at certain mobs
weather - Check the current weather

Offline erwin

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Re: Non standard game commands
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2014, 11:41:27 pm »
Last post here!

Finally, there are some commands which I am unsure of:

check sky - (this seems to be overridden by check - as in check mail)
clear - Not sure what this does - does not clear screen
cls - Not sure what this does - does not clear screen
commandslike - No idea
compact - helpfile has typos
compress - No idea
fire  - No idea
fuel - No idea
nobrag -  No idea
nomating - Nothing happens when this is typed
offer - No idea
recho - No idea
rent - No idea
replylock - No idea

Would be nice if someone can help out!

I'm now thinking of doing an info booklet of all categories of commands, and not just the unique ones...

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Non standard game commands
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2014, 09:11:46 am »
nobrag I am assuming turns the "brag" channel on/off - like nogos, etc.  That way you don't have to be pestered by the messages when someone is killed by something that would brag.

recho is the RPL/IMM command that lets you do echos in the room without your name being tagged to it.  So I can make you believe anything is going on.

rent, I believe is an old command for when you actually had to be at a certain place (inn, tavern, what have you) to quit out of the game.  I've seen it on other muds, not this one.

Just used compact and I"m not sure the uses in a script, but just in room descriptions, there is not that blank line between the room description and your prompt.  I'm assuming it's to fit more on the screen without unnecessary blank space.

That's all I can even attempt to help with.

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Re: Non standard game commands
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2014, 11:20:51 am »
cls - does work, clears the screen

clear - also works, see cls

nomating - result can be seen with the finger-command; sets the partner as broken - but no idea what the affect is on the romancing code when someone is set as broken

fuel - used to refuel the spacebikes (fuel has been added as keyword to the helpfile of the spacebikes)
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 11:22:23 am by Diandra »

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Non standard game commands
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2014, 08:24:40 pm »
hrm.. cls and clear don't seem to work for me.