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Messages - Estidn

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Roleplay / Re: Roleplay and RPL's
« on: October 30, 2013, 03:40:33 pm »

       Since you seem to be spearheading the RPL's. I think we need to put some thought into the reward systems.  Currently, hero's are allowed to award a maximum of 20 (correct me if I'm wrong) award points a day. With the guideline that 10 is awarded for good RP (again correct me if I'm wrong).  The current rewards are as follows.

A restrung item (no stats, addaffects or containers allowed)       100 points
A pretitle in the WHO list (example Lord Tynian)                   200 points
Personalized login/logout messages (When entering or leaving 4d)   250 points
A personalized long decs (This is what shows of you in the room)   500 points
A personalised entrance/exit desc (this is like a poofin/out)      800 points
The ability to award RP points yourself                           2000 points

Another fact is that you can convey award points to bronze tokens at a rate of 10:1

This currently makes the restrung item worth a gold token, a pretitle worth two, login/out two and a half, and so on...
A proposed revision might be as such if you plan on keeping 10:1 ratio which I personally think should be scraped. If RP was so outstanding that it requires token awards the log can be presented to the immortals.

A restrung item (no stats, addaffects or containers allowed)       10 points   (Bronze)
A pretitle in the WHO list (example Lord Tynian)                   100 points
Personalized login/logout messages (When entering or leaving 4d)   100 points  (Silver)
A personalized long decs (This is what shows of you in the room)   100 points    (Silver)
A personalized entrance/exit desc (this is like a poofin/out)      200 points
A perz                                                                               
The ability to award RP points yourself                           9999999 points (Get Rid of this)

Suggestions & Ideas / Blessing of Kellindil
« on: July 31, 2013, 04:54:38 pm »
Phlag brought up the point that blessings of Kellindil needs to be looked at. Currently vitalize can bring me up in move points in no time, where as the blessing increases your mana regain very slightly. Any chance we could make the blessing restore a percent of your max mana per mud hour?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: DT Insurance
« on: August 24, 2009, 07:55:03 am »
Long story short pay a gold and you equipment is protected once when you hit a dt. Then you have to pay another gold to reinsure it.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: CASTERS, DMG, HP: Serious problems.
« on: July 28, 2009, 06:25:50 pm »
So X your suggestion is instead of lowering their power. To just shrug it off and make them stronger? Just lower the multi until the new skilltree's come in?

Maybe before you rant on how horrible the class system is why don't you give us a few examples of why it's so terrible.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: SUBskill System
« on: July 28, 2009, 04:52:11 pm »
    Supervising        Management        Leadership

I think these should all be grouped into one skill Leadership that gives bonus for leading a group. I.E. a boost to hp or damage and increases on the size of your group.

I have other ideas that I'll post later.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: CASTERS, DMG, HP: Serious problems.
« on: July 28, 2009, 04:46:33 pm »
As of now it seems PK skills play a lesser role in a fight now-a-days because fights are over so quickly. Damage has gotten to the point where a encircle can do 500-2000k damage and a spell can do over 5k. We either need to significantly lower damage for PK or significantly increase hp.

On the subject of casters being overpowered. From what I can tell yes, they are extremely overpowered. Mana shield doesn't even have a working trainer atm. (Not sure what's up with that one) But the main issue is isn't enough protection against casters. Mirror shield = Thornshield/Fireshield,  Mana shield (not working?)=sanc. Then you have armor/shield/ice shield/stoneskin/steelskin/ect.

    Now looking at the fact that caster equipment is way to easy to get. A caster who is a t4 lvl50, without a single piece of QEQ can easily kill a melee t4 lvl50. For casters a major focus is the be all and end all. They're aren't disarmable and their is no defense against it.

    From what I remember Mord had created the classes so that they were interdependent with each other. Fighter were supposed to be high HP with decent damage, rogue was supposed to be a skill based class with medium hp but dodge/phase type skills to make up for the lack of hp. Casters were the damage class with low hp. Now in my mind with the damage the way it currently set up is about right. Casters are doing insane damage. Fighters are doing shitty damage and rogues are doing decent. The only problem lies in the hp gains. All three of the types of classes hp are VERY similar. I've seen casters with 3000hp rogues with 3500 and fighters with 4000. Now the only problem with that is the damage doesn't match up.  At the rate of current damage. Casters should have 3500 Rogues 6000 and fighter over 10k. Now obviously increasing the hp to those high of levels would throw off the balance of the game. So I'm guessing the best solution would be adjusting both the balance of hp and damage to make it meet the how it was originally intended.

Now on class interdependency. I.E. getting rid of woodsing. Why in gods name would you want to get rid of the only class interdependency we have. For an obvious example of why interaction between players is a great thing look at our pbase. I wish I had a chart to show it but ever since we put grouping back to normal, the pbase has skyrocketed from what it was before.

 Now for my rant- Skill trees suck. Fix the basics first.
That's all for the rant

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: SUBskill System
« on: July 26, 2009, 05:47:03 pm »
Me and Mord actually had a pretty in depth conversation about the Vampire subskills and how it would work.
It was basically something that you couldnt turn off and would have to quest to have the Vampirism removed.
I.E. You run through a quest and contract Vampirism. Worked something Like this

From 5 A.M. to 3 P.M. Vampire speed, strength, HP,  would be cut in half.
From 3 P.M. to 9 P.M. Stats would remain normal
From 9 P.M. to 5 A.M. Speed, strength, HP, damage, would be boosted by a quarter.
Also can drain blood at any time.

The only thing that's a problem is the mud hours are very short and effective use of the skills would be hard.
If anyone could figure out a way to make the coding work I'd be more than happy to help out.

This is for a complete revamp. Not evening out classes spells/skills hp dam. I'm talking skill trees.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Skill Tree System
« on: July 23, 2009, 12:52:55 am »
I'll assume that the lack of response to my questing is a lack of planning and in the end GM's will end up brushed off or merely compensated with tokens?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Skill Tree System
« on: July 14, 2009, 06:04:10 pm »
Well then once again, I'll ask the question about what is happening to our GM's

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Things that need a fixing
« on: June 16, 2009, 07:46:15 pm »
Absolutly not. Thiefs don't need more buffing.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Creating a Fighting league.
« on: June 09, 2009, 06:07:39 am »
Please dont comment on how things should be coded.

I have listed features etc that I think are pretty cool, and what would be nice is a comment on whether you like it or not, and how things can be improved.

And people wonder why there is never any feedback.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Skill Tree System
« on: May 26, 2009, 01:50:37 pm »
So what will happen with GM's once these changes are implemented.

Yes it has. Perzes are completely pointless now other than as a status symbol. I can have dt insurance more than ten times for the cost of what it would take to get a full set. DT insurance should be either more expensive or cost only TP.

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