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Messages - Iwku

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General Discussions / Re: Recovery Time
« on: June 14, 2015, 12:47:39 pm »
Thanks Diandra.

General Discussions / Recovery Time
« on: June 12, 2015, 01:10:20 am »
I love this game. I haven't played in a while. I stopped playing in most part because I made the mistake of remorting into the gypsy class. And while obviously some people like playing a gypsy, it was not for me. There was no choice but to go through all the classes. I am glad to see now there is a choice of specializations. It is nice to see old friends and meet new people and I really look forward to learning the lay of the lands again and the quests. 4D has never left my mind. This mud is 1st class. Also congrats to the Table Round clan.

My frustration is the time it takes to recover. I tested it three times and it takes 20 minutes. I made sure I wasn't hungry or thirsty. I killed some mobs for 6 minutes, then spent 20 minutes idling to recover - then repeat. That slow progress is very boring. I don't remembering it being that way before. Vryce told me about opa potions that I had forgotten about that aid in recovering health points, but the vendor wouldn't sell them to me saying I had too many magical items.  Some new player may not know about opas and wait it out to recover and get fed up and not stick around. Still, even without potion, it shouldn't take 20 minutes to get to your full health points.

I guess I am wanting to know if this is everyone's experience and if something can be done to speed up recovery time. It doesn't even give you a tick to encourage you; I get no prompt of encouragement from the computer screen unless I hit return.

Building Board / Re: Basic Building Question on Testing Rooms
« on: January 03, 2012, 02:55:57 am »
Thanks Kvetch, but I am not sure if I am allowed to make a mortal in another window and I am not really sure I know how to make another window. Thanks Bane. That is what I was looking for.

Building Board / Basic Building Question on Testing Rooms
« on: January 02, 2012, 02:06:43 am »
I can't remember how to do this. How do I turn off the building editor mode so I can test it like a mortal in the world would see it (ie. without seeing trigedits, etc beside the mob or object)?

Building Board / Re: Medit
« on: September 13, 2009, 06:32:22 pm »
I can answer a few of your questions.  :)

1. SPEC - See 4D Builders Manual under the section 'Special Mobs'. "The mob_spec in Circle, like Healer, Trainer, Innkeeper, thief, janitor, etc must all be hardcoded. Make the mob, reset it in the room, then ask a coder to put it into the code for you. DO Not use the option 'spec' under L in medit, this will only mess up the mob". Then it lists all the special mobs.

From the Builder Resources section of the 4D website, under Flags & Spec, Mob Flags:

5. AWARE - "Mobs can't be backstabbed or stolen from".
8. WIMPY - "Mobs will autoflee when hp drops below 25%".
24. EDIBLE - "Mobs can be filited and eaten (use with sense)".
41. STAY SECTOR - "(use on fish or similar)".

44. QUEST MOBS - "Sets all the relevant questflags automatically (det invi, infra, etc)".

A while back I asked Molly about the quest flag, if it should be put on all mobs that are part of the quest (ie. those having useful information/clues) or just on the mob that gives out the quest item at the end. She said "It's really irritating for players. if they forgot they were invis or sneaking and then a quest mob doesn't give the item or info that it should. (And it's even more irritating for imm, when they claim the quest is broken, and we spend time checking it for bugs, and end up finding that the player was just invisible. All quest related mobs should really have detect_invis and sense_life, and since the Flag Quest sets that automatically, it's the easiest one to use".

Mob Class: (5) Animal - might be chosen to ensure the animal doesn't carry gold.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Skill Tree System
« on: February 24, 2009, 04:51:42 am »
I think I’m with the majority in saying that I too would love it if there were more differentiation between the classes. The skill tree idea looks great.

However, at the end of the day after all the work is done, I think we will just end up with more classes (i.e. right now there are 8 classes and the tree would make it 16 classes). I can’t see that much will really change after the addition.

Currently, every class is pretty self sufficient. Everyone has tons of money to buy tons of great potions/scrolls/wands and everyone is able to use all those things. Also at least half of the time you have partial skills from two classes as you work your way up the remort system. There is no need to rely much on anyone else.

Also, there is no conflict with anyone else. Why even have the ‘detect alignment’ spell. Who cares? Personally I stay neutral so I can use the majority of the equipment and run back to my clan hall if my alignment changes to evil to prevent any aligned equipment falling off in the middle of a fight. I stay always neutral or good which seems weird to me since I am in an evil clan. I like Asmoday’s idea of having the priest class having to chose between good and evil.

So here is what I think after having a few beers:
1)   Limit the use of scrolls and wands to appropriate classes (esper, mage, priest, etc) to increase the reliance of the non-magical classes on magical classes. Increase cost of using the healer near recall.
2)   Keep the existing 8 classes or do the tree thing, but after remorting, start fresh with a new class (no carry over skills) so each class will be pure and unique and their skills/spells might be requested by someone in another class.
3)   Either increase the cost of potions/scrolls/wands drastically or reduce the money on mobs.  There is currently no fear or cause for concern about anything because we all have more money than we know what to do with. By the way, I agree with Tocharaeh that potions weigh too much. It just creates more work.
4)   Make people be evilly aligned, good aligned or neutrally aligned when they join a clan to help encourage conflict. This would probably entail a look at the equipment stats.
5)   The pk system shouldn’t be that a 60 time remorted player can kill and full loot a 2 time remorted player. Yah, yah I know you all went through it and survived it. But considering the work it takes to fully re-equip with quest equipment, the current system isn’t worth joining. PK adds an element of conflict and excitement to the game and a reason to try role playing.

So to sum up, I’m not convinced that making more skills/spells will change much. After people try out the new skills/spells/classes and the newness of it fades, I think people will go back to sitting at recall, being afk at recall or questing/grinding/exploring by themselves. I think after the newness fades we will all just go back to the social aspect of the gossip channel and most of us do our own thing and not interact with each other in a role play sort of way. I think conflict and a real need to have other classes help you would revitalize more than new skills/spells.

PS Tier One Gypsy killing a small mouse - Backstab, watch screen scroll by, watch screen scroll by, watch screen scroll by, flee, flee, Lay still you are dead.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: October 09, 2008, 06:34:13 pm »
My apologies if the tone of my message came off sounding like complaining. It wasn't intended that way. I know the thief golem is still being tested and I was trying to help test it. I really don't expect things to be perfect...especially when in the testing phase.

I have lost golems in three different places now for no apparent reason. This "official golem thread" was how I thought to communicate it. I hadn't thought of typo'ing it. That's a good idea. I'll do that from now on.  I tried to be specific but I didn't know the name of the RIP castle I was in, just down from the golem store.

It wasn't immediately apparent to me to think "trade oil" vs "buy oil". Maybe I might have figured it out, but the oil wasn't even listed and I know it has been available because Loran had it.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: October 06, 2008, 10:42:27 pm »
I haven't had a golem in a while, and I love them, so thought I'd give it another try.

Last night, I tried to buy a thief golem but I wasn't able to because I had a mount and apparently golems are jealous. So tonight I was going to try to get the golem first and then see if I could get the mount.

I bought the thief golem and dropped it and it followed me in the tower, the stairways, the hallways and banquet hall. Then as soon as I got to a room called "Beginning of a Dungeon" I got a message "the shifty looking golem stops following you".

I bought another and tried it again. It followed me, but when I typed "exit" in the foyer I got a message that the golem died.

Also, the temporary golem store doesn't seem to be selling the oil anymore.

PS I didn't seem to see in the Golem Manual a mention of the oil and what it does.

Roleplay / Re: Writer's Block
« on: September 13, 2008, 01:26:59 am »
So, I'm sitting here at work, with nothing to do, and I'm thinking, "Hey, this would be a really good time to work out your background story for Noinar."  

And I'm thinking Hey, I wonder if Noinar's place is hiring   ;)

I never understand how people (not just you Noinar) have nothing to do at work.  I think I would like that but I don't understand it because there is always stuff to do...way to much to do!  I'm not into role playing, although I totally respect and admire it. It seems like lots of fun and I am probably missing out by not doing it but is out of my safety realm. I know you were wanting a poll and not advice, but why not talk generally with your coworkers, who might not be as busy as you are, and see what they come up with.  :)


Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: September 02, 2008, 09:14:26 pm »
I went to the Guard's Quarters in Hayholt City. My T1 thief golem followed me into the room and it was in perfect health. I typed look corpse and exit, then suddenly got a message that "a shifty looking golem stops following you". I was no longer grouped with it, couldn't track it, it didn't give me any gold or equipment and there was no death message.

It seemed like odd behaviour for the golem, so I bought another one and tried it again. Same thing happened. So, I got another one and tried it again but this time when the corpse wasn't in the room and everything was fine.  So it only seems to happen when the corpse is in the room. I don't know if this is a peculiarity to thief golems or to the corpse being in the room or to something else. I didn't try it with the bodyguard golem because it would have been too expense.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: August 27, 2008, 12:20:51 am »
Thanks Lionheart. You're a nice guy.

No need to send you the log. I re-checked it and I did wait until the golem loaded everything into my inventory before logging out. But, I noticed in the next log I had, from yesterday, there was a huge difference in the TNL points. So what I figure happened (during the gap in TNL) was that I got home late on Saturday night and played after having quite a few drinks and either forgot to emet it or died.

It's probably a blessing in disguise, otherwise I would have babied and hung onto my bodyguard golem forever.  I did buy a thief golem and am looking forward to trying it out.  You are probably aware of this by now but Fernando's room no longer gives the instructions how to obtain either the bodyguard or the thief golem. It now looks like an unfinished room. Loran helped me out.

So, please Lionheart accept my appology. I'm not disappointed in the golems. I love them. I'm disappointed in myself for jumping on my first reaction. I have lost so many and sometimes to weird circumstances (in the beginning) that I reacted (posted) without really reasoning it out.

Long live the Golems!
Don't drink and mud.
No,.... don't drink and then post :)

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: August 26, 2008, 12:44:14 am »
I'm disappointed.

I finally levelled a body guard golem to tier 4, about 86% and now I've lost it and everything it was carrying and I don't know why.

I've started logging my golem activities (when I remember). I checked back and I did properly say emet, and the golem stopped using all the equipment and then it stopped following what's suppose to happen. I have it logged, but even if I had forgotten to emet the golem, shouldn't the golem still be there at Tier 4 with 0%?

Now I log on a few days later and no golem and no golem equipment. What happened?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: August 16, 2008, 02:45:27 am »
When I set my golem's involvement to 60%, sometimes it will stick and other times it will go back to 50% in the middle of the fight.  Why is that?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: August 16, 2008, 12:33:03 am »
Lost another one. Not sure why?

My golem was activated and I was on my way back to RIP. My golem was there inside the old shack and it was there when I gave the ticket to the captain. I didn't look if it was there on the boat trip but when I reached the other side of the ocean the golem was not there.

It was no longer in my group. I did not get a message it died, and I did not get back in my  inventory any of the equipment it had. It was in perfect or almost perfect health. I retraced my steps ... but no golem waiting at the dock.

Maybe I was suppose to deactivate it to go on the boat, but it went through portals with me, so why not a boat. And it still should have been at the dock. I can't figure out why this happened?

Actually just noticed, all of the equipment I had given it was on the ground on the Shore of the Mainland where I got off the boat.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: August 15, 2008, 03:19:03 am »
I wish these golems had stock options. I'd invest. I'm spending a fortune on them.

But, another note you can lose them if you die (i think). I died today and my golem instantly quit following and then it said he uses the last of his energy and heals me. So either my golem died, or it was a result of my death. Given the circumstances, both are pretty likely. However, if it was a result of the golems death I have to wonder if the feature is working as intended, or if my life should have been saved.

I died two weird deaths tonight with the same mob (warrior in RIP). From 'con'ing the mob it should have been an easy kill but bang suddenly near the end of the fight with 2625 hp (my max is around 3500), you're dead! in one shot. The first time my golem died. It did try to save me by giving healing points. The second time I died....and my golem lived!! It followed me to the morgue. It was so unexpected. I was thrilled. I actually hugged my golem.  So it seem you can't lose them if you die.

You werent exactly what I meant as active since I might see you once a week if im lucky. I was refering to players such as myself, Rynock, Knecht, Armand and the host of other people with less than 4 remorts under their belt. You do make your point though that TPs are obtainable with some work, so that point is well taken.

If you see me once a week, doesn't mean I play once a week. We play at different times Grish. I'm not that much further ahead than you guys (a few tiers), but I got my TP's ages ago when I was lower level and looking for something different to do. Maybe you and Rynock and Knecht and Armand are into quick levelling and haven't even given the trade point system a good try. Just don't make assumptions that I am not active because I am not in your immediate time zone world.

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