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Topics - Tocharaeh

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Suggestions & Ideas / Object OLC for WEAPONS - Weapon standardization
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:35:37 am »
The idea is to get rid of people having to guesstimate weapon lengths as well as damage types.

The OLC option in question would be under "C) Values" and I think it should
flow like to following:

Choose option C >> Weapon Type >> Weapon Length >> Damage Dice >> Size of Dice

Here is the break down as I would like to see it in each sub-option:


1) Dagger           2) Mace
3) Whip              4) Glove
5) Sword            6) Axe
7) Staff              8 ) Polearm
9) Lightsaber    10) Exotic

Each type has the length options already built into it as well as the type
of damage which is normally chosen in OLC (smash, bit, gore, etc,.)


Dagger >> Small (15cm) >> Medium (27cm) >> Long (30cm) >> Extra Long (45cm)
Mace   >> Small (30cm) >> Medium (45cm) >> Long (60cm) >> Great (97cm) (two-handed)
Whip   >> Small (97cm) >> Medium (152cm) >> Long (198cm) >> Extra Long (243cm)
Glove* No length
Sword  >> Short (76cm) >> Medium (103cm) >> Long (119cm) >> Great (125cm) (two-handed)
Axe    >> Small (48cm) >> Medium (73cm)  >> Long (115cm) (two-handed) >> Great (129cm) (two-handed)
Staff  >> Short (213cm) (two-handed) >> Long (365cm) (two-handed)
Polearm >> Medium (145cm) (two-handed) >> Long (182cm) (two-handed)
Lightsaber >> Short (88cm) >> Medium (106cm) >> Long (121cm) >> Double-blade (198) (two-handed)
Exotic >> Short (30cm) >> Medium (76cm) >> Long (118cm) >> Great (149) (two-handed)

The above gets rid of any guess work. You choose the weapon length, and bam. All done.

The weapon dmg type needs to be redone as well. There will be weapons that do in fact
share in types. Many of the types will no longer be available to choose from
if one were to choose "exotic". Assuming one chose to go with "exotic", right after choosing
the weapons length they would then get the following menu:

Enter choice :
 1) None.
 2) None.

Enter option to modify (0 to quit) :

 0) blast                    1) bite                
 2) pound                  3) sting                
 4) crush                   5) kick            
 6) claw                     7) maul                
 8 ) thrash                 9) gore

As you can see the other types normally listed in the old OLC have been cut down
to the truly "exotic". The reason for this is because the types will already
be built into each WEAPON as a standard. This is how I see the standard:

Dagger:      pierce/slash/stab
Mace:         pound/bludgeon/crush
Whip:         sting/bite
Glove:        punch
Sword:       pierce/slash/stab
Axe:          slash
Staff:         hit/bludgeon
Polearm:    stab/slash
Lightsaber: stab/slash/pierce
Exotic:     All other types, up to two can be chosen.

With the exception of EXOTIC, you would no longer have to choose ny of the above damage types.
Just choose the weapon. The types are all built in.

The reason for all of this is to 1) create uniformity, and 2) cut down on building time.
This system would streamline the whole thing. It has never made sense with the current way
things are set up. Especially in relation to skill usage.

The weapons that have multiple dmg types (slash, stab, etc,.) will be able to
put out the messages at random in battle. (...with his stab) (...with his pierce)

These are just some things I have been thinking about while on BP making things.


Scripting Board / Tocharaeh's Script Excursions
« on: April 05, 2012, 01:15:23 am »
I just wanted to start this topic, and gradually add scripts as I figure them out, and share. I do get a lot of help from Thotter, Prometheus, and Molly while I learn by trial and error. I just what to share what I have written, and figured out for others like me who aren't scripting geniuses. ^^

I honestly hope everyone can learn from this. Scripting has been my absolute kryptonite and has been the deciding reason why it has taken me so long to finish projects. Quality zones, mobs, quest stories, and items I can write. Scripts? A totally different monster entirely, lol!

Suggestions & Ideas / Android and iPhone APP
« on: May 02, 2011, 03:34:48 pm »
We need one so i cant play using my iphone during class!!!!!

Scripting Board / Script Help, please.
« on: August 21, 2010, 01:49:55 am »
I'd like to put in my smaller zone asap. I'm a scripting dunce when it comes to things that are complicated. The only reason my zones aren't pouring into 4D GP is because I can't script past very simple things.

Anywho. This is what I need.

I need a special lever script that will do the following:

Player 1 pulls LeverA, script will prompt the player now and then to ensure that they continue to hold down on the Lever. Main door script will acknowledge that requirement 1 has been met (until the player looses grip, or lets go).

Player 2 will pull LeverB, and hold. Main door script will acknowledge that requirement 2 has been met.

Player 3 will pull LeverC, and hold. Main door will open. Player 1 will now be able to release his/her lever, and cross into the next room, and pull a switch that will LOCK the door in place, thus allowing the other two players to also release their levers without risk of the door closing.

There is no order to the levers as long as all three are pulled, and held so that player 1 can lock the door in place.

Door can be opened from the other side should it close, so that players can try again should one accidentally release the lever before the switch is thrown. Door will of course be closed and locked until they restart and complete the process.

Could someone PLEASE OH PLEASE with smaller PRETTY PLEASE sprinkles on top help me with this? LH was supposed to a long time ago, and abandoned me, and I most certainly cannot script such a thing.

« on: March 04, 2010, 09:57:27 pm »
So, I'm sitting on BP trying to make mobs and what not, and it didn't don on me until now that the medit is really rather sloppy, and a lot of the affects and what not are stupid.

So for mob flags we have the standard "quest mob", "isnpc", !track, and so on.
Under mob affects we have the dumbest list of things I've ever seen.

While some things under the affects make sense like defensive spells, and what not...there are offensive spells that you can add taht HURT the mob. I didn't notice that until I tried to make a mob use suffocation on a player. I mean, I saw all poisons listed, defensive spells listed, amongst other I figured "hey, he can cast suffocate people". boy was I wrong. I didn't notice until I turned nobat off that he was dying! So, we really need to get rid of "affects" that hurt the mob. It just doesn't seem practical, and I doubt they're used. (please correct me if I'm wrong).

So aside form the weird affects above...I have come to the conclusion that mobs classes don't make much sense, and are basically useless aside form deciding whether or not something is going to cast magic, encircle, bash, or just be a normal mob. I know Anubis is busy working on an awesome mob AI which is a HUGE step for 4D, so here is my suggestion in addition to the AI:

For the MOB class, lets be able to actually CHOOSE a player class for the mob. This way the mobs use the same skills/spells as we do. This makes it not only more interesting, but the mobs start looking unique in combat.

Second: the Undead mob class should remain as such, and I would like to write the small skill/spell list for this class.  I have a great list of spells, and skills for the undead. I would also like to branch the undead mob class into the following types::

Lesser Undead (it would be a basic mob with minor abilities)
Undead Caster (Undead that casts death magic)
Undead Warrior (Undead with undead warrior skills)
Greater Undead (has access to all spells/skills of the undead)

By choosing one of these, a builder would then have another function that allows them to choose what abilities from a list, that they specifically want the mob to use.
I think we could apply the same thing to the other mob classes, thus giving the builder the ability to personalize their mobs further rather than just dealing with stock functions that the AI automatically chooses.

Finally: I want to have UNDEAD MOBs immune to death magic.

Here is the medit window, I put in bold what I've added and changed. I moved choice O(subskill) to a new choice Z, and then changed choice O to the skill list option.

(medit window)
-- Mob Number:  [XXXXX]
1) Sex: male             2) Alias: mob unfinished
3) S-Desc: the unfinished mob
4) L-Desc:-
An unfinished mob stands here.
5) D-Desc:-
It looks unfinished.
6) Level:       [   0],        7) Alignment:    [   0]
8) Hitroll:      [   0],        9) Damroll:      [   0]
A) NumDamDice:  [   1],  B) SizeDamDice:  [   1]
C) Num HP Dice: [   0],   D) Size HP Dice: [   0],  E) HP Bonus: [    0]
F) Armor Class: [ 100],   G) Exp:     [        0],  H) Gold:  [       0]
I) Position  : Standing    J) Default   : Standing
K) Attack    : hit
L) NPC Flags : ISNPC
N) Segments  : Not set        X) Training List : Not Set
R) Mob Race  : Humanoid      V) Mob Class     : UNDEAD: GREATER
T) Tier      : 0                    O) Skill list         : SET
U) Charisma  : 11                W) Skin Vnum     : -1
S) Script    : Not Set.          Y) Owner     : (null)
Q) Quit                              Z) Subskill      : UNUSED
Enter choice :

Anyway, just a few ideas I was tossing around.

Suggestions & Ideas / Group Recognition Code
« on: December 28, 2009, 12:42:00 am »
I've always bee big about zones that promote grouping, including small raidable areas (LONG LONG before WoW thought of it) based upon the old days when people WOULD band together to fight big mobs over and over to get pieces of eq and stuff. Most of the player has never experienced that on the new code, and since we're about to go through some big changes assuming ptesting is successful, then I would like to try and further some of our raid party plans Horus has.

Is there a way to create a GROUP RECOGNITION CODE/COMMAND that allows people to enter a zone together as a group, and have that zone recognize it as such? Let's say a zone has a minimum group of 3 people req, with a suggested group of 5. Just two people cannot enter the small site, but 3+ people CAN, and are FLAGGED as such.

Also, should anyone LEAVE a group, that person is automatically expelled from the group required zone. If the group drops below the required minimum then all are transported back to recall.

I'd like to see something like this. It could make making tiny little dungeon areas really fun, and it could easily be coupled with some of Horus's grouping ideas.

Building Board / Player Testing Equipment, and Test Characters
« on: December 20, 2009, 07:59:47 pm »
I was wondering if we could have an official set of Player Testing equipment created, complete with the stats of all major quest eq. Basically mirrors of what jason, viri, haya, and I have. The reason being is that I think it would be useful for builders such as myself to test out the zones we're making. I'd laos like to know if I could have my Game Port Pfile copied over to the BP, and have the name changed to something else. This way I can test the big zones out more accurately in terms of what is TOO powerful, and hard. This is kind of crucial for me as I want to make any tweaks I need to make before having someone other than myself actually ptest the zone(s).

Building Board / OFFLINE BUILDER PROGRAMS: Could we do it?
« on: December 01, 2009, 12:27:17 am »
So I have a bit of a question concerning area building in 4D. Currently we have players bound to an internet connection in order to actually produce a zone. But sometimes if you have a laptop that you take everywhere, you wanna build.

There are a whole ton of area building programs across the net that some of the big muds use. I was wondering if we could make our system compatible with such programs that are available for free download.

here is a link to a screenshot of one such program:

Once has a WAY better program available that they use for his MUD, and I know he could easily adapt it for 4D purposes. I think that if we made building a bit easier on the builder we may see a jump in productivity. The programs make everything much simpler because all functions are a click away. I BELIEVE some programs (and maybe even once's) can also detect script errors and such.

Anywho, I think it would be a great idea. I am told these are easy to adapt to different code bases so maybe it would be worth looking into perhaps?

Essentially how these work (for those who don't know):  You open the program, input your vnums taht you will be using, and then start building. It's as easy as that. Once you're finished, you save the file, and then you send it to the head builder or whomever to have ti added to the mud BP/TP/GP and then you can start testing, and so on. I think it can really make like easier wihtout having to sit in OLC all day long.

Anywho, just an idea on building. I'd like to get a hold of Once sometime soon and ask him about his program. I hear it's pretty elite.

That's all!

Barrel of Laughs / Proof that 4D does know how to have a good time!
« on: October 18, 2009, 03:34:48 pm »
heh, this one is actually pretty good. I came across it by accident, and I had totally forgotten this whole shebang up until this afternoon. This makes me miss some of the old peeps. :(

General Discussions / HEY! How did you find us? People wanna know!
« on: October 17, 2009, 09:44:23 pm »
Hey everyone!

  This is your friendly neighborhood Tocharaeh here trying to see if we can get accurate numbers of the increased traffic on our forums, and website. Are you new, old, or current? If you're current/old, why not make an actual account so you're properly represented?

  I would like to take this moment to encourage all who frequent our world to make an account so that you're never out of the loop! get busy, get active, participate!


      The Destroyer Tocharaeh D'Araesth
       The guy whose heart Sarias stole.

Roleplay / Final Cacophony: Diaries of The Destroyer
« on: October 11, 2009, 04:13:18 pm »
Blood Rituals: A New Chorus

The cavern in which I had dwelt for some time now was alight with purple and green faerie fire. It had been sometime since my last sacrifice to Lady Lolth. I had been busily working to increase the numbers
of devout in Her name. She has been pleased thus far, and I am grateful that she has favored me, but a male..Nay not just a male. Her Champion.
Recently I have come upon a rare item that requires growth. A gift of Lolth? I could only imagine what gifts lie dormant within the gem studded pendant. However, in order for those powers to be brought forth required a power source. I had reached a a rather large dilemma. This problem had required that I go away for some time to think of a solution to a very serious problem. Tapping its powers required power that was beyond even me.
To require something of equal or greater power in order to be granted its gift was ingenius really.
After several weeks I had happened upon the solution, but the simple thought of it would have made me a laughing stock amongst the "sane".
I needed a celestial.
Hardly an easy task to acquire one, but it was doable. I spent the better part of a eighteen cycles checking and rechecking my summoning chamber. Everything had to be perfect. Celestials could hardly
be considered guppies of the cosmos. The circles of power had been drawn, runes scribed, and blood spilled. Everything symmetric. Everything perfect. The pendant hung suspended high above in the center of the circular chamber.
Willing my innate powers of levitation granted by my birthright, I floated inches from the ground. I prepared my spells vs. good, against fire, and from mental insinuations. I could take no chances. I had even prepared a spell to protect against physical attacks. I took final measure of the chamber, nodding with approval and admiration at the grand work, and my hands suddenly began to weave webs of power in the air. My voice deep, and loud. Arcane words of power long forgotten flowed from my lips, and the thousands of gems that studded the chamber began to glow brightly. Darkness was called as I continued to weave my spell of summoning; willing the shadows to flood the room in pitch. The light only fed a celestial.

Finally, with a magically enhanced, booming voice I called out the name Treflah. Suddenly there was an almost unnerving hush, and then a light nearly as bright as the sun began to pulsate, and then with a sudden flash the most beautiful, and magnificant creature in all of the cosmos stood before me.

Large feathers of red and white hung from great wings that sprouted from her back. Her skin smooth and tan. Her eyes were as large as a fist, and her breasts supple. The body perfectly curved and proportioned. Her legs were more akin to that of a bird kind which ended in three great talons. Hanging from her hip was a great sword that radiated with its own brightness. "Good" stank up the room, but my evil held it fast.

Treflah glanced around and once I was located the most beautiful tenor voice called out from her lips "I am bound, why?". Why indeed. "why" was always a question that invoked anger from me. With a sneer I answer back "because I will it". She studied me for some time, but without notice an itching feeling began
at the back of my skull. I laughed heartily at her feeble attempt to probe my mind. Her frown could almost have touched the floor, "We are not enemies" she intoned. "You are both wrong and correct" I replied, "I am your enemy, and you are my food".

"Others will find me. They will avenge my death" She said defiantly.

"I can only hope so" I chuckled. With that she brought up her sword and began to  strike at the invisible barrier. It was to no avail of course. With that I cast a powerful penalization spell, and held her still. The pendant glowed a radiant and HUNGRY red. I allowed her head to move, as the pendant slowly descended to just above her head.

She looked as if she wished to cry. "Will it hurt?" she asked, but already knowing the answer defeat was clear in her eyes. She could not fight me. Lolth was on my side.  Nevertheless I replied "Yes", and with that silver rods almost instantly sprouted from the pendant and burrowed deep into her flesh. With each pulse from the radiant artifact invoked screams of pain, and a little thinner celestial.


Several days have passed and already the chamber has begun to fill with other celestials.
A spell of silence became a needed thing after a while. So many screams of pain as the pendant fed could
attract unwanted guests, and I was a busy Drow. I now smile at that thought of my new toy as I plunge
a dagger deep into the chest of the child before me. Soon all would know Lolth's wrath.

They would know Her greatness, and be in awe.

After removing the heart of the child and offering it to Lolths handmaiden I made my way back to the
summoning chamber now filled with celestials and daemons alike.

Praise be to Lolth. Hail and fear Her.

~Tocharaeh D'Araesth
Champion. Devout. Chosen.

Suggestions & Ideas / 4D: Moving forward!
« on: October 05, 2009, 09:41:55 pm »
So I've a few suggestions for everyone to consider.

First: Taking Facebook by storm!
  I've since made a 4D facebook page tat should work assuming people search for gaming stuff, mudding and the like. Ultimately what I would like to do is get some people together and develop an actual Facebook application taht would allow facebook users to instantly connect, and play. With Facebook, the possibilities are endless. If the coders are wiling and interested, I am already trying to gather resources on the HOW TO's for facebook apps.

   As it stands I have the beginnings (skeleton) of the application for the 4D page created, all it requires are the coders who willing to develop it to join facebook and allow me to add their names to the developer lists. The same goes for being added to the 4D page admin list. If we can pull this off, I can see a jump in newbie frequency. I think this is very doable.

Second:  Let's make building faster!

   I would like to suggest to the admin, and coders the use of VisualMUD to allow our builders an even easier time putting together their zones. I have used it myself in the past when I have my smaug based mud up for a short time, and I have also seen it seen on multiple muds, including Once's. This allows builders to sit on their desktop and put things together stress free, and without the problems of having to go in and out of menus whenever typos, and errors occur. They would only have to click, correct, and save. I know this can be easily modified to fit the needs of the 4D building community, and would greatly suggest that it is looked into and taken into serious consideration.

Anyway, that is all for now. Here is the facebook 4d page ( for all who are interested at taking a peek, and so on. Again, I implore all to join facebook, and working to broaden the 4D community.

Roleplay / Character Pictures
« on: October 05, 2009, 07:13:42 pm »
Hey everyone. I've been busily trying to expand upon 4d's ability to reach the internet masses. The very idea of having all of our active/semi-active players post their character pictures really can help to gain the interest of other people. Anyway, I would like to compile such a database if at all possible. All I ask of you is the following:

email me the ideal picture that captures the identity of your char to
include the character name associated with the picture.

That's all I need!

Thanks for the help guys!


Suggestions & Ideas / CASTERS, DMG, HP: Serious problems.
« on: July 25, 2009, 12:08:05 am »
So, believe it or not Prometheus told me I should post this up. This is no post about whining who is what and so on. These, like any prior posts by me are very founded, and vital points to be made when it comes to how this mud currently works, and the imbalances that are affecting everyone (even if you don’t realize it).

These are the points I am going to touch on:
•   HP in general.
•   Casters: Effortless power boost.
•   AC and Spell resistance.
•   Understanding how PK SHOULD work.

HP:  We are having a huge problem with HP and DMG right now. DMG is high (too high) and HP gains are lower than ever. Right now EVERY SINGLE MOB can encircle amongst other things. What does this mean? This means that they WILL do a ton more dmg than they should. Caster mobs classes shouldn’t enricle (they do), nor should warrior mobs classes, and NORMAL mob classes. It is a rogue only skill. Basically what we have is mobs using high dmg skills/spells that can do as much as 3k in dmg at times, and get two of those skills in a row before you have a chance to heal. The problem with this is 90 percent of the player base barely has topped 4k hp save a few of us. I certainly haven’t. I used to hit 5.8-6k HP. I should have never remorted. HP gains need to be much larger to balance out the dmg being dealt to players by OTHER players, and mobs.

Casters: Caster classes are basically effortless. You can gather all of the easy (SUPER EASY) eq from around the mud to max your stats. Only a couple pieces are actually quested for, and on top of that I BELIEVE only one or two pieces are actually being USED. Ghostly shimmer is a caster item that is never used. However blue face paint is the best caster face eq, and I think people are still using the mardi gras beads. Other than that, nothing else exists. Where are the other pieces of eq that casters are getting? Benign mobs actually. If you know where to go, it isn’t hard to take a caster from a nobody to a caster equivalent to Jason, and then even surpass him. Why is this a problem? It took people like Jason YEARS and YEARS to get where they are. They have the best eq in the game from spending WEEKS at a time on a single quest, one by one to become an epic player.  (this is in no reference to GMs. Epic can be achieved by non-GMs as well. Virisin and Exodus proved it.)

Staves (plural of staff) though are made by gypsies can be easily gotten by anyone who has a) a gypsy alt or b) someone who is a gypsy. The existence of major focuses has basically made weapons like orcrist pointless. Why? Because although searching for trees can BE long…that is all they have to do. SEARCH for the right tree, and woodsing. However, weapons like memory, the cool dagger, razor blade of throat-cutting, and the orcrist are in fact quested for. Orcrist in particular takes a long time to get because mining is completely random. I will stop there since it would reveal quest info about orcrist. The point is that major focuses are easily found in comparison to questing. There is no questing involved in woodsing.

What do staves do? They enhance the benefits of beneficial spells, along with the malignant effects of detrimental spells. What we have here is an automatic power boost without the ability to disarm staves. In addition, a caster with the crappiest EQ one, worn just to max all stats and CHA can now have AC = to if not greater than that of what an epic melee player may have. This means that someone like Jason who has little AC can be outdone dmg intake wise by a caster wearing robes, not armor.

To surmise this point: casters with crappy eq but with good stats (non dmg/hr) + staves =
 Greater dmg than melee.
 Greater AC than melee.

AC and Spell Def:  

Currently we have NO spell resistance system as it stands. We have “elemental res” which does little in the long run. There is no balance. AC is lifeblood for decreasing DMG, but it is MELEE dmg only. So a caster with great negative AC (speed doesn’t matter for casters) vs. a melee means that the caster no matter how you look at it, has the advantage automatically. Why? Because we cannot resist any magical damage dealt.

How Pk SHOULD work: We need dmg in pvp to work differently. PK battles should be a lot of running around, and outwitting the other side. No “one hit, I win”. PVP is all about the skills of the player behind the character, not what one hit, super powerful skills we have and spam the crap out of them. We need to either cap dmg to a certain percentage based on whatever (I’m not a coder, and don’t do that kind of math well) or start increasing HP gains significantly to balance out the dmg intake. In addition, cure critical/light, and heal need to do more. Vampy needs to come back, or something. Either way, we have a problem with what we can do to each other. We’re basically treating each other like mobs…and we’re not. We don’t have HP that numbers in the tens of thousands. As the years have gone by in 4d, HP has continually gotten smaller and smaller.

Finally here are the ultimate suggestions to discuss upon:

•   AC should factor in spell dmg. Spell resistance is too complicated a system to support due to we would have to alter EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF EQ in the 4D world. Yeah, that isn’t going to happen.
•   Current caster eq needs to be nerfed a bit, and casters must quest for real eq like the rest of us. Melee has to bust their ass for every piece of eq. If this means we need to create quests in the game for all current and major zones, I will be happy to help. Either way, casters need to start questing for their eq.
•   Woodsing should be taken out. No reason why gypsy should be dappling in that stuff anyhow. They’re a rogue class with a couple spells. Either take it away, or make it BOP so nobody else can use them. Focus items should be quested for. Again, I am happy to help out writing quests for all major zones. I am happy to work full time for 4d in terms of this if it is going to help us all.
•   Staves should be disarmable. That is the end of that.
•   PVP dmg needs to be taken down a notch and/or HP needs to increase greatly. In the old days, we could hit fairly high hp (I don’t remember the exact numbers, I THINK I hit 10k back in old code, could be mistaken).
•   Spells like harm, call lightning and fireball need to be decreased. There is no reason why someone with 15 remorts vs someone with 70 remorts should be kicking the 70 remort players ass. If I can’t do more than 250 dmg with kick, then neither should they be doing more than they with harm.

So, these are the points I have made. I will now leave this up for discussion. We need to take this all into consideration when concerning the skill tree code being written. Balancing is the hardest part of any mud. There is a lot of math involved, so always remember that the coders are working very hard to make this a smooth process.

Scripting Board / if %cmd.mudcommand%==get
« on: July 06, 2009, 06:30:02 pm »
Okay, so here is the question. I have two scripts working in a single room. One being the function script, and the other being the meat and potatos:


Name: 'The function',  VNum: [xxxxx], RNum: [ xxxx]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: CommandFUNCTION
, Numeric Arg: 0, Arg list: get
if %cmd.mudcommand%==get
  function xxxxx
  return 0

2) the Meat and potatos

Name: 'meat 'n potatos',  VNum: [xxxxx], RNum: [ xxxx]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Command, Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: get
if %actor.is_pc%
  if %arg% == something somewhere
    %load% obj xxxxx %actor%
    %send% %actor% Something good happens
  elseif %arg% == something somewhere1
    %load% obj xxxxx %actor%
    %send% %actor% Something good happens
  elseif %arg% == something somewhere2
    %load% obj xxxxx %actor%
    %send% %actor% Something good happens
  elseif %arg% == something somewhere3
    %load% obj xxxxx %actor%
    %send% %actor% Something good happens
  elseif %arg% == something somewhere4
    %load% obj xxxxx %actor%
    %send% %actor% Something good happens
  elseif %arg% == something somewhere5
    %load% obj xxxxx %actor%
    %send% %actor% Something good happens
  elseif %arg% == something somewhere6
    %load% obj xxxxx %actor%
    %send% %actor% Something good happens
  elseif %arg% == something somewhere7
    %load% obj xxxxx %actor%
    %send% %actor% Something good happens
  elseif %arg% == something somewhere8
    %load% obj xxxxx %actor%
    %send% %actor% Something good happens
  elseif %arg% == something somewhere9
    %load% obj xxxxx %actor%
    %send% %actor% Something good happens
    return 0
  return 0
The script works perfectly, however if a player were to just type GET on its own they would have You don't see a }12 here..
What would be a good way to improve the script and/or prevent the error return taht I am getting?


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