Author Topic: Typo Fixes  (Read 61090 times)

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Offline Kvetch

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Typo Fixes
« on: April 29, 2012, 10:13:13 pm »
It seems that because people don't see us do it, there's a feeling that sometimes we don't look at the typo board.  Well, just to let you know we do!  New board to keep you up to date on all our typos that have been fixed so you know that Yes, we ARE working for you.  :)

Offline Kvetch

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Fixes from April 22nd to April 29th
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2012, 10:31:18 pm »
Acridia       - Apr 22 -  4528 : found an error on web page "" unde
r "The Citadel of Thandar" - next to last sentence ' your trespassing...' should be "you're" not 'your'. Probably not right place to report this - please let me know correct place and I'll use it next time. Thanks :)
Acridia       - Apr 22 - 38311 : 'help critic' - 2nd sentence '...cure more then the...' should be 'than'. Last
 sentence '...heals more then..' should be 'than'.
Acridia       - Apr 23 -  6636 : room description - 2nd sentence 'advice' should be 'advise'.
Acridia       - Apr 24 -  7772 : object in this room 'telegram'. 2nd sentence 'know' should be 'known'.</td></t
Acridia       - Apr 24 -  3391 : when I 'give potato distiller' in this room - last reply is 'The distiller sta
tes, 'Hunter's Rest or Bull and Bush will buy my liquor.' - to be consistent - should be  'Bell and Bush'.
Acridia       - Apr 24 -  3390 : in this room - when I 'give hops brewer' - his last statement refers to "Bull
and Bush" - to be consistent - should be "Bell and Bush"
Acridia       - Apr 24 -  3391 : this room - when I 'Give rye distiller' - last statement refers to 'Bull and B
ush' - to be consistent - should be 'Bell and Bush'
Acridia       - Apr 25 -  4529 : web page '' - Citadel of Thandar -
 '...if the Cook doesn't discover your trespassing...' should be "you're".
Acridia       - Apr 25 - 12901 : web page '' la
st hint (right above 'Back to Top') - 'classe' should be 'classes'.
Solinar       - Apr 26 -  7291 : The aegean Sea should be Aegean Sea
Acridia       - Apr 26 - 13039 : object in room - 'A black barbers chair is here.' should be "barber's".
Acridia       - Apr 26 -  2063 : in this room - 1st sentence 'mountain' should be 'mountains'. 2nd sentence 'then' should be 'than'. 
Acridia       - Apr 26 -  6815 : room description, last sentence - "Tombstones's" should be "Tombstone's".
Acridia       - Apr 26 - 14307 : web page '' - Rip in Time - last sentence 'someof' should be 'some of'.
Mardo         - Apr 27 -  9777 : BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK -- says ando after introducing who is starring in the movie, instead of and
Prometheus    - Apr 27 -  1295 : [ Trigger: commandants receive hands and notes, VNum 3737. local var 'commander_note1' not found in remote call ]
Acridia       - Apr 27 -  3006 : in this room, when I 'look hard', item #24 'The Seven Dwarvesat least most of  them)' should be 'The Seven Dwarves (at least most of them)'.
Calypso       - Apr 29 -  3001 : anxious social has a typo. "Mardo anxiously nibble on him lower lip."
Acridia       - Apr 29 - 21473 : at the end of the Ali Baba quest, when you give the brick to the potter, he smiles and then says it is perfect. The next sentence 'consistancy' should be 'consistency'.
Acridia       - Apr 29 -  7886 : questcard #21 - last sentence '...she seems to more miserable...' should be '.
..she seems to be more miserable...'.
Acridia       - Apr 29 -  7860 : mob room description ' A small serf girl is playing with sticks and stones in
the dirt.' - the one wearing dirty rags - 1st sentence ' these hard surroundings, The little...' - should be ' these hard surroundings. The little...'.

Offline Molly

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Re: Typo Fixes
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2012, 03:00:01 am »
Nice work, Kvetch.
But wouldn't it be great if there was a command to remove a typo rapport from the typo file after you fixed it?

Coders? is it possible?

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Typo Fixes
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2012, 08:43:06 am »
It would be nice, yes, but even if that was put in it wouldn't show the people that play that we're working, which is what this board is for.  It would also probably make it so the typo file didn't fill up so quickly when we have people like Acridia and how some previous players used to be that send so many. ONce it fills up it takes time to get someone to archive the file to open it up again, which means we probably do miss a few typos.

Offline Prometheus

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Re: Typo Fixes
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2012, 06:07:41 pm »
I can manually delete the entries from the typo file itself. Diandra might know another way. But I can at least clear out the ones Kvetch did.

Maybe Once or Molzilla can add an command. I know Molz is playing around with lisp so it might be able to do it. I would ask Molz to see if it is possible.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2012, 06:35:43 pm by Prometheus »

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Typo Fixes
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2012, 08:50:03 pm »
Today's Typo Fixes:

Acridia       - Apr 16 -   599 : room description - 3rd sentence - 'scrupulous' should be 'scrupulously'.
Acridia       - Apr 16 - 12982 : in this room, when I 'look east', it says (last sentence) to "Look Sign" - sho
uld be "Look Notice"
Acridia       - Apr 16 - 12984 : in this room, when I type 'look tray', 1st sentence, "Schools" should be "School's".
Acridia       - Apr 17 - 12901 : 'help task' - 2nd sentence - 'doll' should be 'dole'.
Acridia       - Apr 17 -  3100 : keyword in room desc - when I 'look space', 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence, 'Space Sport' should be 'Space Port'.
Calypso       - Apr 29 -  3001 : wtf snafoo should be spelled snafu
Destiny       - Apr 29 -  3001 : i can page offline people.
Acridia       - Apr 30 -  2380 : in this room, when I type 'look up', I see 'Some slippery steps lead up to the
 poer above.' - 'poer' should be 'pier'.
Mardo         - Apr 30 - 28463 : You junk a slender dagger .  Extra space there.
Mardo         - Apr 30 -  3001 : Once stops using Snowbird's wedding gown of delicate ivory rose-figured brocade delicately ornamented with pink satin roses. . Extra space there

I got bored so went back to see if there were some earlier ones that needed to be done and I found some.

Offline Diandra

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Re: Typo Fixes
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2012, 12:55:43 am »
I never deleted them. If you do them in order, it's easy to know which one was the last one that you fixed. (Providing you don't leave any unfixed.)

When the file was full I asked it to be moved and replaced by an empty file. The way it is setup now, I think that's the best solution instead of wasting time to delete what has been fixed and what not with the risk of deleting the wrong ones.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 01:04:37 am by Diandra »

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Typo Fixes
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2012, 03:16:57 pm »
But the problem is when more than one person is doing the typo file.  I rarely did any unless I was on when they were entered because I didn't want to confuse anyone else working on them - which is what I thought someone else was doing.

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Typo Fixes
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2012, 06:27:55 pm »
Today's Typo Fixes:

*Acridia       - May  1 - 38338 : in this room 'say info maps' - 1st sentence '...Different parts of Main grid,.
..' should be '...different parts of Main grid,...'.
Acridia       - May  1 - 38338 : 'help spaceship' - paragraph below 2nd '*', '...stored in the Spacewship computer.' - 'Spacewship' should be 'Spaceship'.
Acridia       - May  1 - 38338 : in this room 'say info operate', under 'FLY', 'maneouver' should be 'maneuver'.
**Acridia       - May  1 - 38338 : in this room 'look checklist' shows a list of words to say to get info, 'say i
nfo spacegrid' and 'say info communicate' do not work. 'spacegrid' gives generic newbie 'info' and 'communicate' gives nothing.
***Acridia       - May  1 - 38338 : in this room 'look checklist' - under 'info COORDINATES' - 'spacestations' should be 'space stations'. Also under 'info COMBAT' - 'misslile' should be 'missile'.
*Acridia       - May  1 - 38338 : in this room 'say info maps', 4th line 'With yourself in the middle.' should b
e 'with'.
*Acridia       - May  1 -  8215 : while in a spaceship, typing 'say info poon', the first letter of each line is
 capitalized - is this intentional or a typo?

* = This is a common problem with scripts giving information like this.  Every line that uses %echo% capitalizes the first letter of the line – whether you do it or not in the script.  The script is typed right, it’s just the problem with %echo%.

** Seems that spacegrid was actually gridspace in the trigger – I switched to spacegrid so it should work now.  There was no trigger for communicate, so I took that line out.  If any information or communicate is put in later, the line can be re-added.

*** Seems to be fixed, but not by me.  Someone else must have done it – or I didn’t find these errors – could happen, I seem to have a blind spot these days with typos.

Offline Prometheus

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Re: Typo Fixes
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2012, 02:49:00 pm »
I think the easiest way to do this is to make a new typo file so it isn't as huge as before so we can keep it under control.

I will make a backup just in case like I always do.


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Re: Typo Fixes
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2012, 07:43:25 pm »
Todays Typo Fixes:

Acridia       - May  2 -  3109 : in this room, when I type 'look old', line 13w - 'Buffalo Bills's Circus' should be "Bill's".
Acridia       - May  2 -  3109 : in this room, when I 'look 13w', 2nd paragraph, last sentence, 'monkies' should be 'monkeys'.
Acridia       - May  2 - 14707 : room description - last sentence, '...give you the creep, ...' should be 'cree
Acridia       - May  2 - 14725 : room desc - next to last sentence " know its wrong." should be it's
Acridia       - May  2 - 14728 : room description - next to last sentence, "its" should be "it's
Acridia       - May  2 - 14726 : in this room, mob, room description 'A small cat sleeps under the seat.', when I 'look cat', '...and didn't noticed that...' - 'noticed' should be 'notice'.
Acridia       - May  2 - 14731 : room description, 3rd sentence 'Hay!!' should be 'Hey!!'.
Acridia       - May  2 - 14730 : room description, next to last sentence, "its" should be "it's".
Acridia       - May  2 - 14734 : room description, 3rd sentence 'Hay!!' should be 'Hey!!'.
Acridia       - May  2 - 14733 : room description, next to last sentence, "its" should be "it's".
Acridia       - May  2 - 14736 : room description, 3rd sentence 'Hay!!' should be 'Hey!!'.
Acridia       - May  2 - 14735 : room description, next to last sentence, "its" should be "it's".
Acridia       - May  2 - 14739 : room description, 3rd sentence, 'Hay!!' should be 'Hey!!'.
Acridia       - May  2 - 14738 : room description, next to last sentence, "its" should be "it's".
Acridia       - May  2 - 21385 : room description, 1st sentence, '...row of pens;reserved just for...' - should
be '...row of pens; reserved for...'.
** While fixing this one saw that reserved was actually spelled wrong too – so fixed that as well.  Yay!  I can still find typos.

Offline Diandra

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Re: Typo Fixes
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2012, 11:54:05 am »
Seems it would be best that those that are fixed are removed from the list. So Prom if you're up to doing this. :)

And maybe talk with Molzilla indeed to make a better system to remove fixed typoes, so it's easier to see which ones still need fixing.

Offline Once

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Re: Typo Fixes
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2012, 12:05:58 pm »
Kvetch, do you have access to "tedit"? If so I can hack something up with it that will let you remove typos that have already been dealt with.

Offline Diandra

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Re: Typo Fixes
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2012, 12:16:36 pm »
Don't think any typo-fixer has access to it. Ah but seeing what it does, it would be a perfect solution.

Edit: on second thoughts, seeing there's some things in there typofixers shouldn't have access too, ain't it possible to make something like tedit but that is only connected with the typofile?
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 12:21:59 pm by Diandra »

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Typo Fixes
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2012, 09:10:09 pm »
tedit - no, I do not have it.

Typos for today:
Acridia       - May  2 - 10004 : 'help scalp' 2nd sentence 'The corpse will decay, leaving all it in contents o
n the floor...' maybe should be '...leaving all of its contents on the floor...'?
Acridia       - May  3 - 10009 : 'help manipulate', 2nd sentence, ' will be to heavy to...', should be '..
.it will be too heavy to...'.
Acridia       - May  3 -  3140 : room description, 1st sentence, 'everyting' should be 'everything'.
Acridia       - May  4 -  3199 : room description, last sentence, 'natures' should be "nature's".
Acridia       - May  5 - 21378 : 'help manipulate', last sentence ' will be to heavy to...' should be '...
it will be too heavy to...'

I see Acridia thought I'd missed her first posting of Manipulate so thought she needed to put it in again.  ;)  This time I fixed it so there will not be a third time.  *mwahahaha*