Building & Scripting > Building Board

Non DG-scripts building wishlist

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After adding moon phases wasn't too difficult. So I would think adding seasons wouldn't be either. I think that we can add seasons after the base code gets out. I'm concerned that with everything being put on Anubis he is gonna get too weighed down. We can always add stuff after we get a stable base. Lets not put everything on Anubis. Let's have him get a working beta out there and the other coders can pick up some of the slack. That is why there are so many of us.

And with Thotter adding an moon phase to dg scripts and if dg scripts code doesn't get changed much in the new code I could probably add it to dg scripts as well.


Hey, I'm just postin' notes here.  I'm not sayin' Anubis has to do it all himself, I'm just statin' what I want. He did ask at one point in time which is why this topic was created.  And I'm perfectly fine with stuff waiting until the main new code is in and stable to get this stuff, but if you ask me to remember it without writing it down here, you got the wrong girl.  I've got so many things I've wanted that I've forgotten.. probably at least 10X as much as I've posted.


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