I'm going to keep raising this because it really is not a difficult fix.
The fighting bonuses/attributes that individual races get are:
a) Horribly imbalanced.
A dwarf gets +40 defence, +10 attack and -10% melee damage. The attack and defense do not even come close to balancing the negative melee damage.
b) Horribly restrictive.
An elf gets -10% melee damage, +10% magic damage, -40 defense and +15 attack (and 50 speed more than other races). In this case the +magic/-melee do balance each other, but all that achieves is forcing elves to stereotype themselves as casters. Someone who chooses elf and wants to play melee classes (read: HAS to if they want GM) is severely disadvantaged.
I have been trying to think of a wonderful way races can be made unique and wonderful without affecting peoples' fighting ability but alas I just can't do it. Graham suggested giving each race a crafting ability, which would be great if at some point in the future we get a crafting system. Until then there is simply no reason for these 'bonuses/attributes' to exist.
Therefore I again suggest removing them, leaving all races with +100 speed and ~3 unique wear_locs and nothing else. No +/- damage, no attack bonus, no extra defense. All players should start on an even footing.