From 4Dimensions
Here is a list of the various ways to communicate with others and their general usage
- Note most of the channels can be toggled off, see below.
- AFK - Away from Keyboard - sets your flag as away with an optional message
- Ask Say Sayto - sends a message to everybody in the same room as you.
- Shout - broadcasts your message to everyone in your geographic zone.
- Holler - broadcasts what you say to everyone in the game but costs 20 movement points.
- You must be level 2 before you can use shout and holler.
- Whisper - sends a message to a specific player in the same room as you and a message to all in the room about who whispers to who.
- Tell - sends a message to a specific player anywhere in the mud and can not be seen by any others.
- Auctalk - will allow you to talk on the auctionchannel.
- Grats - is a mostly a congratulations channel, mostly used by helpers/roleplay leaders.
- Bulletin Boards - help bulletin boards for more info
- Channels
- Ctell - clan chat channel only seen by members of your clan.
- Emote - custom roleplay message only only seen in the current room.
- Gossip - global general ooc chat channel
- IC - RP global channel
- Gsay Gtell - group only channel heard by members of your current group.
- Herochannel Hgoss - Hero/Immortal only global channel.
- Hint - Seekers hint channel - automated new player hints
- Ignore - blocks tell messages from a player.
- Mail Check Receive - used in checking/sending mail one room east of recall.
- Mute - Immortal only command for muting players abusing open channels.
- Newbiechannel - newbie channel message seen by all.
- Noauction Nograts Nogossip Nograts Noshout Notell - toggle off the common channels
- Norepeat - toggles whether you see your channel messages
- Nowiz - toggles off the wiz channel see wiznet
- Page - sends a message like tell with an audible notification (if your client supports it)
- Qsay - global quest channel used for popup quests run by imms and roleplay leaders seen by toggling quest on/off
- Read - read notes/mail/board posts
- Reply - reply to the last person who sent you a tell message
- See also Replylock
- Rsay - race only inroom channel i.e (elf would be visible to elves etc)
- RP - global channel that can only be monitored by registered Roleplayers
- Socials - prepackaged messages to convey your emotions (i.e smile), see also emote
- Spam
- Title Keeptitle
- Wiznet - Immortal only communications channel seen by players above level 52
For an explanation of each word, type HELP <keyword>