Usage involve <groupmember> <amount> (Amount is in a percentage)
involve (to find out the max percentage you can involve someone) involve even
You can set the involvement of a groupmember. The higher the involvement
of someone, the higher the chance of landing a hit against the enemy. To see
the involvement percentage of each groupmember type group. The groupmember
starting the fight with the mob will likely take most of the damage.
Involve even will split the involvement between the whole group evenly.
Example: You have 3 people in your group. One of them newly joined and the
involvement of the group members could look like this: Fred - involved 60%
(leader), Bob - involved 40% and Alice - involved 0%.
If Fred wants to set Alice's involvement to 20% he would type: involve Alice
- The above example will have changed to this then: Fred 40%, Bob 40 %,
- 20%. Some percentage of the leader has been given to Alice.
- Fred would now decide to change Alice's involvement to 70% he doesn't have
- with his own percentage to give to Alice, so he'll have to take some of
- percentage too. So involve Bob 30 and involve Alice 70 will result in
- 0%, Bob 30% and Alice 70%.
PK within groups, allows only groups that are compiled completely of PKers
fight each other (unless in arena).
PK groups can only start fights with other PK groups of similar size.