4D has begun to undergo a series of changes and improvements to benefit
players who rely on text to speech programs.
Some of the current available features are as follows:
When in {ccBRIEF MODE{cx, you don't see the descriptions of the room you are in;
only the name of the room and the people and objects there.
If you explicitly type 'look', you will always see the full room description,
even in brief mode.
If you are in {ccCOMPACT MODE{cx, you will still see the room descriptions but empty
lines in scripts and at the end of the room descripions will not show up.
In {ccNOGRAPHICS MODE{cx, ascii art wil be minimized where possible.
{cLWORTH{cx and {cLSCORE{cx and {cLGOLD{cx screens have been altered in nographics mode.
The Tier indicator has been altered in this mode as well.
Other graphics in the game are being worked on.
Understand that it is impossible to get rid of all graphics, but it is our
goal to ensure that players can complete quests and learn their way around
without depending on graphics or color.
Using {ccNODISPLAYTITLE{cx hides each players individual titles on the {cLWHO{cx screen,
making it easier to see who is online.
When in {ccNOBATTLESPAM MODE{cx, all spam from battle will be hidden. This includes
messages about hunger and thirst.
Using {ccSPEEDWALK{cx is a good way to skip spam from room to room travel if you know
exactly where you are going.
Currently, we are working on making maps that will accommodate text to speech
programs. As there are more than 10,000 rooms in 4D, this is a large
undertaking and may take a while to implement. Thank you for your patience.