From 4Dimensions
Usage: spellinfo <spellname or skillname>
This very useful command gives a code generated info about any and all spells
and skills in the game. Since it is generated by the code, it will always be
updated to the latest version.
Spellinfo gives the main characteristics for that spell/skill; like
level, tier, directional or not, etc. To see more specific information about
what it actually does you'll have to type help <skill/spell>.
Below is an example of the info you'll get from the command SPELLINFO:
---------------------------------------------------- Name: fireball Tier: 1 Level: 40 MinPosition: Fighting Elemental Type: fire Directional: NO Offensive: YES Affects: NO Unaffects: NO Points: NO Alters Objects: NO Groups: NO Masses: NO Areas: NO Summoning: NO Creation: NO Classes: Mage ----------------------------------------------------