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The main difference between a skill and a spell is that you execute a skill by

just typing a command (or sometimes the skill is automated once you've learnt

it). Whereas you have to CAST a spell, by typing cast '<name_of_spell>' <target>.

(notice the little ' ' around the spell-name, known as the 'magic symbols'.

Those are essential for success.

Skills and spells both have to be learned and PRACTICED to work. There are many

Guild Masters around the world where you can practice. One is in Mud School,

another just north of Recall. All the Clans have their own Guildmasters too.

But a few skills or spells can only be practiced at a certain Master, and it

would be your Quest to find that Master if you want that skill or spell. After

having practiced with the Guild Master the skill/spell usually get better the

more you use it, but most skills and spells have a limit that you cannot

exceed as a mortal.

Different Classes get different skills and spells, and they also get them at

different levels, better the higher up you advance. Some of them you only get

after you remorted, maybe several times.

To get a list of all skills and/or spells available to you, just type PRACT,

anywhere in the Mud. To really PRACTICE any of them, you have to be with the

Guild Master.

The command SKILLLIST <class> gives a list of all skills available to that
