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Character descriptions are a MUST HAVE when applying for and RP flag, but what is an

acceptable description of ones persona? That's what this file as been build for.

Rule of thumb: Descriptions must never contain the following:

  • Verbs (Dracula bites his victims neck)
  • Forced Roleplay (..is so scary you suddenly piss your pants in fright)
  • ANSI pictures!!
  • Clothing! (Unless you're actually wearing, or wielding it!, if you're not, then
you're not.)


Example of a BAD description (illegal)

The spacewolf before you stands at 9 feet tall, and if covered in quaking muscles.

His name is Daven, and his half-brother is Farlin. Farlin and Daven were raped by their

sick aunt, and their mother and later killed their entire family for their constant abuse,

and neglect.They are coke dealers, and run a big time gang. He notices you staring at

in him awe, and growls viciously causing you to whimper like a child, and your knees to

buckle slightly. His eyes are green, and his left ear is pierces a ton of times.

Why is this description illegal?

Because not only has he forced your character to admire

and fear him instantly. And also you know his name, his brothers name, their gang, and

their profession (if you can call it a profession), their deeds, AND not ONLY their mental

anguish, but also their family history. This is a description, NOT a biography.

Please continue to RPDESC2