Building & Scripting > Building Board

Non DG-scripts building wishlist

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In my earlier, not so responsible days, in my first Mud, Age of Chivalry, I made a healing pill with negative weight, -1,  for my Clan HQ.
Originally it was meant mostly as a joke, and I didn't fully grasp the consequenses, since I was totally inexperienced both as a builder and a player.

Anyhow, the pills somehow slipped through the check into the gameport, and my not so inexperienced Clan members immediately realised the potential and gleefully started to hoard them. As a consequence their ability to carry weight grew for each pill they added to their bags, and in the end they could not only carry a ridiculous amount of heals, but also of other items. Need I say that it totally unbalanced the mud, and that for a while - until we got busted - my Clan was the most successful in the short history of that Mud.

So what is the moral of this old cheat story? Probably that after this I grew rather wary of weight bonuses, since like most 'features' it can have unexpectedly large effects, when someone starts to abuse them in excess.

I totally agree that if we're not careful, someone will abuse the hell out of something. However, I have faith in our number one coder who can probably make a stable weight bonus system for quest containters. I think container weight bonuses could really benefit the mud since everything weighs so much.

Molly is a cheater, Molly is a cheater! :-*

More over the top building thoughts.

1) Seasons.  I would like to make some quests be seasonal (mud seasonal that is) and along with that, I'd like to be able to make rooms change with the seasons.  I know, I'm silly.

2) Descriptions that can only be seen with certain things.  I tried to do something like this is the haunted house and it was ok, but what I'd really like is for someone that had a particular item to get a room description that was completely different than what everyone else would see.  An example would be this - let's use an illusion spell that's set up so most people see this nice lovely sitting room as exaclty that - a nice lovely sitting room with a couch, chairs, loveseat (woot!), plus any other lovely amenities.  Someone comes in with a "lantern of dispell illusion" and suddenly everyone in the room (or if it's goggles of dispell illusion only the character with the goggles) sees the room as it really is - a decrept run down evil little place where the furniture itself is alive and will gobble you down if you sit in it.  Another example would be a blacklight and messages written in ink that only blacklight can see.

3) Gosh, I don't know, I had more but now they flew away.  Sorry, will have to stick with 2.

I generally agree about seasons, that's something I'd really like too. In particular I'd like fruits and berries to only ripe in autumn, since that would be a nice quest addition.
And of course, just as with moon phases, we need an addition to the DG_code, so that you can search for the season variable.
I'm not so sure about changing room descs though - we already have the option to set day/night descs, and although that is a nice feature, I doubt it will be used in many rooms. Making 4 more room descs options for seasons doesn't really feel feasible. The main desc would still have to be neutral too.

It can easier be done with scripts. I actually made a feature like that years ago, in the orchard south of Olde Yorke. The fruit trees there are supposed to have naked branches in winter, flower in spring, be lush green in summer, and set fruit in autumn. Then they drop their leaves and the cycle starts again. I did the scripts with waits, using 4 different tree objects, but it would of course be a lot more accurate if the scripts could call for a season variable.

I have a similar objection to the magic glasses idea. That could also be made with two scripts and some work. You'd need an enter script, and if you are wearing the glasses, it would make you blink when entering the room, and then display the alternate desc in a serie of %send% %actor% lines, green coloured for the effect. Then you'd also need a command script, that would display the same alternate desc at the command 'look'.
Amber used something like this for the signs in her VE maze, but of course she didn't need to colour those descs green.

All in all, I think both the ideas are better suited for the scripting board. But I still want the seasons.
Do you hear me, Anubis?


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