Author Topic: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.  (Read 86643 times)

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Offline Bane

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A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« on: September 27, 2011, 01:10:16 pm »
Its taken me a bit longer to get the ball rolling on this thread then I anticipated but here it is. I still have more work to do on fully gathering up everything but we can at least have a thread dedicated to this and at least get the general goals discussed more thoroughly..

Some of the points I want to bring up is :

1. What kind of equipment is in the School, Quest Academy, and the 8 Newbie Zones?
2. Is this equipment well balanced for all 3 types of classes (Rogues, Fighters, and Casters) found throughout the starting areas?
3. After the school, academy, and newbie areas are newbies really ready to face the 4D world?
4. How can we better help prepare the newbies to make it easier on them to find a massive world as 4D fun and enjoyable at a lower level?

Upon starting off you are given a sub issue helmet a weapon and one special item that is fitted towards your class, a backpack and some letters with information on them.

Fighters get the red cape of the squire and a longsword
Casters get the magical glasses and no weapon.(the magical glasses needs to be changed to an about item I will bring up why further in the post.)
Rogues get the thiefs cloak and a dagger

As they continue to go down they run into another backpack that has a few more items in them :

a sub issue dagger
a sub issue vest
a sub issue helmet
a lantern
a buffalo waterskin
a letter with some information

Now there is no information in this room to tell you to pick up the backpack and get the items from the backpack. So why is it even there? Another point is why give them another helmet they already have in the first place and give them another weapon so early in the game? Which one should they use?

I personally feel this backpack just needs to be removed. We can add waterskin and the letter to items they receive when they first login.
Now they continue to the next room and Lionel is waiting for them to tell them to get items from the box, practice their first skills, and tells casters to look up manifest and orb. Now, what exactly is a caster suppose to manifest when they receive no weapon to start out with? So I personally feel that

A. They need to receive a weapon they can manifest when they first login
B. Have Lionel give them a weapon and walk them through the manifest.(I like this choice better)

Now moving onto the chest that is in the room with Lionel.

Inside you find :
a bear skin(an about)
a pair of deer skin trousers
a pair of deer skin moccasins

Now the trousers and moccasins I'm fine with but not the bear skin. Fighters and Rogues already start out with an about item. Why give them another one? We are forcing them to choose already when they have no idea which is better. Lets change this to the sub issue vest that is found in the backpack in the room before.

Now lets move onto the the 4dimenions of the school, They provide great information and I'm happy and content with what they provide. My only objections to these zones is what some of the zone offers as rewards for doing small quests

Prehistoric upon doing a quest you receive a great face item.

a face mask, striped in red and white is a type of armor made from base-material
It is from the dimension Old West
It can be taken and worn on TAKE FACE
Its weight is 1 and its valued at 0 coins.
If worn it will give you --
     2 to your Strength
     2 to your Constitution
    25 to your Maxmove

AC-apply is 2
Also applies innate armor

Great item, for starting out. No complaints. We also run into a piece of flint and another pair of shoes. Once again we are wanting them to choose which is better. I think they should just be removed considering how many weapons they will run into during the school.

Now lets move onto the medieval zone. Here you learn about tiers, how to talk on all channels, how to greet people, how to; post,mail and notes, potions, pills, wands, rules, mortals and immortals. We also run across a few items id like to mention. A short sword from killing the squire and 2 quest items. A small dagger and a ring

a thin gold ring is a type of armor made from base-material
It can be taken and worn on TAKE FINGER
It is glowing
Its weight is 1 and its valued at 50 coins.
If worn it will give you --
     1 to your Constitution

AC-apply is 2

a small dagger is a type of weapon made from base-material
It can be taken and worn on TAKE WIELD
It is undonateable melt-on-drop
Its weight is 3 and its valued at 50 coins.

Wanted Weapon Balance: (base)-=======0=================-(tip)
Actual Weapon Balance: (base)-=======0=================-(tip)
This balance gives the weapon 20 speed, 40 accuracy and 5 evasion.
The one handed weapon is a 35cm Dagger that can pierce at 8D9 damage.

This weapon gives a chance of landing attacks to
                ( 9%)
  (18%)(Left)   (Torso)   (Right)(36%)
         (Left )       (Right)
          ( 9%)         ( 9%)

a short sword is a type of weapon made from base-material
It can be taken and worn on TAKE WIELD
It is undonateable melt-on-drop
Its weight is 6 and its valued at 100 coins.

Wanted Weapon Balance: (base)-=====0===================-(tip)
Actual Weapon Balance: (base)-=====0===================-(tip)
This balance gives the weapon 14 speed, 43 accuracy and 9 evasion.
The one handed weapon is a 60cm Shortsword that can slash at 4D7 damage.

This weapon gives a chance of landing attacks to
  (20%)(Left)   (Torso)   (Right)(20%)
         (Left )       (Right)
          (20%)         (20%)

Love the ring and the dagger is good. Now I dont know what I think about the squire. Upon looking at him and the note left in the room hes made out to be bad ass. Hes pretty weak and easily killed just like the bear. Personally I feel like we should and want to make sure they find this dagger with telling you to talk to the cook.. So maybe get rid of the sword because its weaker then the dagger and change the squire description.

Lets move onto the old west. Here they learn about mounts, range weapons(which sucks atm), tokens, mazes(no reward), timetraps, and they get 2 quest items.

I feel like they should earn something for the maze. Even if its just experience or maybe an earring. There's only one other earring found in the newbie area and its in the old west newbie zone.

Now move onto the quest items

We get :

a green bandana is a type of armor made from base-material
It can be taken and worn on TAKE FACE
Its weight is 1 and its valued at 3 coins.
If worn it will give you --
     5 to your Strength
    -1 to your Armor

AC-apply is 1


a pair of wire framed spectacles is a type of armor made from base-material
It can be taken and worn on TAKE EYES
It is undonateable unsellable
Its weight is 1 and its valued at 4000 coins.
If worn it will give you --
    25 to your Maxmove
     4 to your Constitution

AC-apply is 2 applies inn infra

Now, they already have a great face item if they did the quest in pre historic. So why are we giving them another one. I think this should be moved to maybe neck? It would make sense to have a bandana around your neck. The wire framed spectacles, awesome item I love infravision in the dark. Now this is where I bring up why I think casters starting item of magical glasses needs to be moved to an about. Because their starting item they are already having to give up because the spectacles and glasses are both face items.

As we move onto the future I really don't see anything wrong here. We get another weapon 16d4 its alright again we are making them decide which is better.

As they move forward they go through the quest academy upon finish it and turning in all vouchers they receive an olive branch, and (gold?). I personally feel the olive branch is more suited for melee fighters, because you don't obtain all that great of an ulti. This is something we can debate.

Now if we was going to keep some of the items I asked to be removed to help them not get confused on what to use how about we give them some more help on deciding which is better. Compare is crap I personally think and once they get a few levels under their belt and understand the game more its never used again because of how cheap scrolls of identify are. I was discussing this with Loria about maybe adding a script to the feather that allows them to cast identify with it(making sure they don't have to hold it so it doesn't send them to the clan hall) but as long as they are say below level 20? maybe 30 and still in seekers let them use script as much as their heart pleases.

I also dislike how many chances you are given to drop out in school, its like hey this is to hard or to boring go ahead and drop out. I think we should maybe only give the chance at the start then tell them if they wish to leave to just use recall, instead of having school drop outs everywhere.

As far as stats concerned starting out, I personally believe they are fine. Everything seems to be Move, Con , And str. Something that can help all classes early out. I believe once they leave the school the balance of stats should be talked about and discussed in the newbie areas and then out. But that will be in my next post.

Last but not least something I want to bring up is the donation pit in the starting area, what decides if an item goes there? I personally dont feel like we should 2 donation pits. Just causes more of what is better then what.

So im going to go ahead and recap some changes I think need to be done in the school and starting out in general. :

1. Changes casters starting item to an about item, Could call it {cb Mystical {cx cloak. Give it the same stat as the glasses make it an about.

2. Start them all out with the standard issue vest, waterskin, note that is found in the backpack on the ground before lionel

3. Remove the travelers backpack before Lionel.

4. Remove the about item found in Lionel box.

5. Have Lionel walk casters through manifesting an item, either he gives them an item or start them out with an item to manifest.

5. Remove the flint and moccasins found in prehistoric area.

6. Remove the sword from the squire and change his description in the medieval area

7. Give them a reward for the maze.(Money, Exp, Earring?)

8. Move green banana to a neck slot so it doesn't interfere with the face mask slot.

9. Is olive branch adequate enough for casters? 1.44 multi. Seems more for melee fighters with the 10d10 and 25 max hit. reg stats are :

an olive branch is a type of weapon made from base-material
It can be taken and worn on TAKE WIELD
It is undonateable unsellable
Its weight is 4 and its valued at 0 coins.
If worn it will give you --
     2 to your Strength
    25 to your Maxhit
Wanted Weapon Balance: (base)-===0=====================-(tip)
Actual Weapon Balance: (base)-====0====================-(tip)
This balance gives the weapon 0 speed, -1 accuracy and 0 evasion.
The one handed weapon is a 40cm Whip that can stab at 10D10 damage.
This weapon gives a chance of landing attacks to
  (24%)(Left)   (Torso)   (Right)(24%)
         (Left )       (Right)
          ( 7%)         ( 7%)

10. Discussion of adding a identify script on to the seeker feather.

11. Removing all of the drop outs in school except one at the start, and telling them how to recall out if they wish to leave the school and return later.

12. The newbie donation pit. Is it needed?

Now, I still have 2 more posts to come with after this, talking about the newbie zones then the discussion of how to direct them further in game. So if you respond as of right now keep it to starting out and school only till i have the other posts up which should be either later tonight or tomorrow.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 01:14:37 pm by Bane »

Offline Bane

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Re: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2011, 01:10:31 pm »
Reserved for newbie zones

Offline Bane

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Re: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2011, 01:11:09 pm »

Offline Calypso

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Re: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2011, 02:07:34 pm »
I like your idea about Lionel teaching the newbie casters how to manifest. I also liked your idea in another thread (or just a discussion we had or something) about creating a quest that teaches newbies how to find their own equipment. I think there should be something added that explains how to understand the stats of the different eq and weapons. You and i talked about this before which led to the thought that maybe the feather could have cast identity on it.

I think it would be helpful, too, to add something to the hint channel or newbie quests scripts or room descripts that tell newbies something to the affect of "Newbie Casters can find a great piece of equipment in the Robber Baron's Castle" "Newbie Melees can find a great piece of eq in the Newbie Old West Zone". I say that because newbies (particularly those new to mudding) really don't know what they are looking for or even that they should be looking for something. We don't have to give them the item gift wrapped, just alert them to the existence of it. That could lead to motivation and creativity.
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Re: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2011, 07:14:16 pm »
Love your work Bane! 4D definitely needed this.

Offline Molly

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Re: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2011, 06:54:52 am »
Very good and solid work, Bane.

I totally agree that some of the extra items and options are just confusing. They shouldn't have to make choices that early in the game.

The initial equipment that they load with has to be coded, and since the coders are busy, I'd rather not involve them in this.
It's better we work only with building changes.  I'm hoping that Kvetch might help with that, but I've already changed the glasses to an about cloak, as suggested.

So to summarise your suggested changes for MudSchool:

1. Changes casters starting item to an about item, Could call it {cb Mystical {cx cloak. Give it the same stat as the glasses make it an about.

Agreed and already done. Same vnum, different item.

2. Start them all out with the standard issue vest, waterskin, note that is found in the backpack on the ground before lionel

Agreed, except for the part that would demand coding.
I propose that we instead reset the waterskin and vest in the chest at Lionel.

3. Remove the travelers backpack before Lionel.

Agreed. Move some of the content to Lionel's chest.

4. Remove the about item found in Lionel box.

So Lionel's chest should contain:
- a pair of deer skin trousers
- a pair of deer skin moccasins
- a sub issue vest (new)
- a lantern (new)
- a waterskin (new)

- remove the bearskin from reset

5. Have Lionel walk casters through manifesting an item, either he gives them an item
or start them out with an item to manifest.

I too prefer the second option.
So, Lionel gives them a weapon and walks them through the manifest. (Script needs changing)

5. Remove the flint and moccasins found in prehistoric area.

And why not put something else that is useful there instead?

6. Remove the sword from the squire and change his description in the medieval area

The idea with the squire was that Fighters and Rogues might like different weapons.

So, maybe make the sword a bit better and the squire a bit stronger (8d9 damage, to match the dagger)?
Or make a small quest for the squire instead, where he asks you to fetch something somewhere else in the castle, and in return gives you a better sword? (I prefer the second choice).
He should also tell you to talk to the cook and say that she has a better weapon if you are a rogue. (Script needs changing).

- Keep the ring and the dagger.

7. Give them a reward for the maze.(Money, Exp, Earring?)

Agreed. So:
- Add an earring, found somewhere in the maze. Perhaps in the grass, (visible container)?(new)
- Keep the spectacles

8. Move green banana to a neck slot so it doesn't interfere with the face mask slot.

- Change the bandana to neck
– or maybe make it a double wear_loc item, for those that may have missed the mask?

9. Is olive branch adequate enough for casters? 1.44 multi. Seems more for melee fighters with the 10d10 and 25 max hit.

Perhaps give two other choice for the Olive branch, one for each class type?

10. Discussion of adding a identify script on to the seeker feather.

I'd rather we add a small quest in Future for an item with a script to cast identify, restricted for first remort.
(The feather already has too many scripts on it).

Also I have my doubts about the grenade in future, since grenades don't seem to work in the present code.
(Either remove the grenade or fix the code).

11. Removing all of the drop outs in school except one at the start, and telling them how to recall out if they wish to leave the school and return later.

Agreed. I'm all for this.
- Remove all exits down  except the first one.
- Add some info about Recall command and Feather in the rooms between each Dimension.

12. The newbie donation pit. Is it needed?

- Remove the Newbie donation pit. (It probably doesn't work anyhow).

I still have 2 more posts to come with after this, talking about the newbie zones then the discussion of how to direct them further in game.
Looking forward to your other posts. :)

I assume that the general plan would be to have all wear_loc slots filled after they leave Mudschool and the Newbie Areas, including the Arena.
Not necessarily first class objects, but something good enough to start them out.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 07:08:17 am by Molly »

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Re: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2011, 12:41:42 pm »
Very well laid out Bane.

A lot of this has been along the same lines as what I have wanted to do with the Mud School and newbie areas for some time now.  Let me also hit upon your recap points listed and add in my own take of how I think mud school and that which follows the most effective.  (It’s a long post, so bear with me)

1.      Changes casters starting item to an about item, Could call it {cb Mystical {cx cloak. Give it the same stat as the glasses make it an about.

Thank you Molly, this was a needed fix. Don’t gypsies start with an earring item? I’m not at a computer right now I can check if that’s the case, but that’s what I seem to remember. Maybe this was changed since you pick only Fighter, Caster, or Rogue now? Instead of starting within a class? Because I thought the cape of the squire was warrior only, so if Hunters get it now, I wonder what they used to get? I think there may be some equipment that got lost with that code change that could be relocated to somewhere in the school potentially.

2. Start them all out with the standard issue vest, waterskin, note that is found in the backpack on the ground before lionel

As Molly said before, since it is coded it is best not to do that and just use her suggestion of placing the items in the chest near Lionel.

3. Remove the travelers backpack before Lionel.

I think the backpack is a great item personally. It’s a container that can be worn. I find those types of items to be very beneficial in keeping your inventory clean and leaving more room for potions etc. Perhaps just change the wear location and add some stats to it.

4. Remove the about item found in Lionel box.

Reasonable. This will certainly avoid the confusion of choosing too early on in the teaching.

5. Have Lionel walk casters through manifesting an item, either he gives them an item or start them out with an item to manifest.

I agree with this; however we will have to have the newbies gain at least 1 level by now so they have practice pointes to train manifest in order to actually manifest the item. So they’ll have to be taught training, practice command, score command (if not already learned), skilllist class command, and spell info command. The last two can be taught at a later time but those first few are definitely important early on.  The whole teaching aspect of this is what a lot of my idea of how the school should work revolves around. But I’ll get into that later.

5. Remove the flint and moccasins found in prehistoric area.

There is also a squirrel skin which is a decent neck item in a burrow in prehistoric so with your recommendation of adding the bandana to be neck item may add confusion. I’ll explain a potential fix to that later when I get to that section however.

6. Remove the sword from the squire and change his description in the medieval area

I agree the sword should be removed, perhaps a piece of equipment added. The squire could be great for explaining the challenge system I proposed in another thread. Where using the challenge command you would throw your gauntlet at their feet and your opponent is given the option to accept or decline, if accepted, both are whisked away to the arena, similar to the immortal run arena. But perhaps a bit smaller, like the tournament yard in size. Of course he would explain after the mini battle that you can’t go around challenge other NPC’s in the game like him, but you can challenge any other player. This is a recommendation and something that would be nice to see and give the squire something to teach.

7. Give them a reward for the maze.(Money, Exp, Earring?)

I too agree there should definitely be a reward for the maze, I think it is interesting that the maze is there, and they aren’t really taught about how to properly solve mazes until the quest academy. I think a little teaching should be involved and the quest academy maze later on should be a little bit more difficult. I think this maze is harder than the quest academy as is. I’m not certain what old west earring you are referring to, but I believe one of the newbie arena zones, there is a sonic amplifier or something similar that is an ear item. But in any case we do need another, perhaps relocate the old gypsy ear item to the maze?

8. Move green banana to a neck slot so it doesn't interfere with the face mask slot.

I think the bandana could be the first multiple wear location item earned. One to get the bandana the newbie is fairly well skilled already since a lot of inexperienced players miss the quest  area for it. Which leads to two… that because of that experience teaching them about multi wear location items is certainly reasonable. The teaching will involve reiterating how to identify it, since this is the first time they’ll have to identify an item, being the first choice of what item to wear. Then pointing out to them that the stats on it are better than the stats on the squirrel skin, and telling them to wear bandana on neck. Since just wear bandana would wear it on the face.  This way we can teach identify and multiple wear location items in one go. Thoughts?

9. Is olive branch adequate enough for casters? 1.44 multi. Seems more for melee fighters with the 10d10 and 25 max hit. reg stats are :

The olive branch was originally chosen because it points you in the direction of the real olive branch which is supposed to be stronger and have better stats.  Which is reasonable but he olive branch isn’t a good caster item, because casters don’t need strength items since they have the spell strength. This is also something they should also be taught. I recommend changing the Helper rewards dependent on the players class, because right now I think they are fairly underrated. It can also honestly be scripted rewards, it does give a small duty for Helpers to do, but it is really unnecessary. The idea behind it was so you couldn’t do the quest on alts, but how are we supposed to know if someone is an alt if the imms won’t tell you who is ( which I understand) or the imms don’t check the board to see if the players are cashing in on multiple alts? Really the reward isn’t a big deal for that to even matter there are plenty of other tokens that are earnable through real quests that people can just repeat on alts, so if that really was the decisive factor… personally I don’t think that’s a reason.

10. Discussion of adding a identify script on to the seeker feather.
I'd rather we add a small quest in Future for an item with a script to cast identify, restricted for first remort.
(The feather already has too many scripts on it).

Also I have my doubts about the grenade in future, since grenades don't seem to work in the present code.
(Either remove the grenade or fix the code).

I agree with both Bane and Molly on this. I believe I have a solution to it as well. Regardless of the item it is that allows them to identify, they have to receive the item fairly early on. At least get it right before the bandana choosing, or maybe even at the same time as it. They of course have to be taught how to use it, I’d recommend it being identical to a scroll of knowledge/identify, perhaps a scroll that replenishes in your inventory after you use it. With the fair warning of after their first remort they will use it any longer, and perhaps make it poof if they try to. This is something that I should be able to script fairly easily.

As for the grenades Molly mentioned, removal would probably be best for now to avoid confusion, and if and when code is fixed, then can add grenades back in.

11. Removing all of the drop outs in school except one at the start, and telling them how to recall out if they wish to leave the school and return later.
Agreed. I'm all for this.
- Remove all exits down  except the first one.
- Add some info about Recall command and Feather in the rooms between each Dimension.

Right with Molly on this one.

12. The newbie donation pit. Is it needed?
- Remove the Newbie donation pit. (It probably doesn't work anyhow).

The donation pit does work, but because the newbie school isn’t accessible at all by everyone, even remorted newbies, it should be removed. Right now it’s about a 50/50 shot as to where the donated items go, so eventually both rooms end up with a fair share of things. Again to avoid confusion it is probably best to keep the one at Recall. This also allows them to be near the social hangout spot and perhaps get drawn in more. But they should be taught that there is a donation pit there, after they have navigated through the school, academy, arena, and mini zones.

Now that I have hit upon all of those topics, one overlying theme I had in most of my responses is teaching. From my experience and what I remember in the mud school is that not everything is perfectly explained and in the best order of learning, within the school. Something I have seen before and I think really lures people in is having someone help you through the school. When I do this with newbie’s it tends to make their experience better because they have someone to point out things as they are moving through because they tend to miss things. Let me explain with the examples above.

For manifesting, Lionel could signal to a personal trainer to come over to teach you the skill, can teach you how to get one item out of the chest, or all the items at once, how to wear one item, or how to wear all of them. By having a mob talking to them, even though it isn’t a player it still adds some interaction and they can be guided through the school. Being told to follow the rooms to the end as the mob is on autofollow. If the player has to log out, this trainer/guide could be summoned using an item that they could be given ahead of time and the scripts would all be based upon what room is entered. If the newbie has been through the school and runs through, the scripts would be set off, but be terminated if the room is left. Every step of the way, from explaining multi wear locations, identify, mazes, hidden containers, climbing, descending, entering, mounting, etc, can be explained to them or be there to remind them some of these things they learned when they are somewhere, where they made need to use it. Of course if this is bothersome to the newbie because they’ve been everywhere before they can dismiss the guide/trainer and not receive the extra help.  This will be a lot of scripts, but overall I think it would make the newbies experience more enjoyable.  

Since the school and academy will ideally teach everything the newbie needs to know I think it would also be good to add smaller nooks and crannies hidden throughout the school to give more experienced newbies that little extra thing to find which they couldn’t have known how to find them unless they had experience or went through it again. And again of course, they would be encouraged by their trainer/guide to go through it again to see if there was anything “hidden” that they missed.  

Upon completion of the school/academy they should also be directly directed to the newbie arena, perhaps exact directions how to get there from Recall, so they can keep going back since there are warps in every area that bring you to Recall. There is an abundance of gear in the arena and a fair share of quests, so definitely good for learning. For the arena and mini zones, the guide/trainer isn’t needed.

Lastly, I think that everything the newbie does in all of these zones should yield experience. The first remort is the hardest and I think they should be given a checklist of things to accomplish to achieve their first remort just on tasks to expedite the process. The checklist could look like this:

4D School
Find the 4D School Zone Flag
Receive the 4D School Diploma
Find all five Helper Vouchers

Quest Academy
Worship a Sun God

Newbie Arena
Help a Sergeant Major
Help an old man make some clothes
Two more things for the Old West and Prehistoric zones
Find the Newbie Arena Zone Flag

Newbie Mini Zones
Help a Sheriff –Wanted: Dead, not alive
Find the Newbie Dry Gulch Zone Flag
Help Zera – Find her lost bracelet
Find the Newbie Android Factory Zone Flag
Save the Chieftain wife’s lost son
Find the Newbie Stone Age Zone Flag
To the Castle! Rescue a Prisoner
Find the Newbie Robber Baron’s Castle Zone Flag

That is 17 tasks so if each of these tasks yield enough experience (that can only be awarded once per task) to bring the player close to 50 or remort status. That way the hardest remort is complete and the player can move on feeling very accomplished. Exploring the newbie areas/arena/academy/school is enough work already and time consuming for newbies, if they are continuously rewarded from accomplishing things, I am fairly sure they would stick around longer because everyone enjoys being rewarded.

At this point now they they’ve gotten this far, it goes into something Bane mentioned....A quest hub that sends the newbies out to different areas to find items to improve upon their now complete equipment set they got from the newbie areas.

I would be more than willing to tackle the mud school/academy/newbie arena/newbie zones item modifications, script changes, script additions etc. I would just need those areas moved over to buildport and granted access. I think it’s a fairly easy project, the guide/trainer thing will be the trickiest and will need some testers to go through the school and see how much easier it makes things, and what I would have to add or take away to make it more efficient.

As for the steps from after the newbie areas are completed. Bane if you could compose a list of all the easier quests / easier zones with equipment that can be gotten off of easy kills or just picked up and perhaps a list of directions to each of those zones, that could be beneficial, and I could work on setting up a script for that.

That is all of my thoughts for now. Some things I wrote might not make sense because I just started typing away, but overall that is the gist of what I think will help make the life of the Newbie much easier.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 12:48:05 pm by Xeriuth »
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Re: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2011, 02:18:04 pm »

I think the backpack is a great item personally. It’s a container that can be worn. I find those types of items to be very beneficial in keeping your inventory clean and leaving more room for potions etc. Perhaps just change the wear location and add some stats to it.

He was referring to the second backpack. It seems newbies are given one as they start out, then there is another one right before Lionel. I think he means that they don't need two. Right, Bane?

9. Is olive branch adequate enough for casters? 1.44 multi. Seems more for melee fighters with the 10d10 and 25 max hit. reg stats are :

... the olive branch isn’t a good caster item, because casters don’t need strength items since they have the spell strength. This is also something they should also be taught. I recommend changing the Helper rewards dependent on the players class, because right now I think they are fairly underrated...

Good point, all of the above. I know that i never used the olive branch when i was a newb. I am fairly certain none of the other newbs really use it.

11. Removing all of the drop outs in school except one at the start, and telling them how to recall out if they wish to leave the school and return later.
Agreed. I'm all for this.
- Remove all exits down  except the first one.
- Add some info about Recall command and Feather in the rooms between each Dimension.

Right with Molly on this one.

Agreed. In fact, I have had to convince newbies that they won't be dropping out of school if they needed to exit down in order to get to a different area. Its pretty confusing.

12. The newbie donation pit. Is it needed?
- Remove the Newbie donation pit. (It probably doesn't work anyhow).

Agreed. The only time i ever remember using the newbie donation pit was when i accidentally donated something i needed and went to retrieve it. *snicker*

I think they should be given a checklist of things to accomplish to achieve their first remort just on tasks to expedite the process

What a great idea!! I love this idea. I mean, the school is all about learning, right? Lists are a great way to teach the newbies what they should be working on.  

As a side note, if we implemented a checklist, we could add in there to look for melee/caster/rogue eq in xyz zone or just simply say 'there are x number of eq per class spread through out the school and academy, be sure to look for them.' That way they  would have a better idea of what to look for and know when they have found them all, a lot like we currently treat the helper vouchers.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 02:21:06 pm by Loria »
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Re: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2011, 07:00:24 pm »
Great stuff.

4D School
Find the 4D School Zone Flag
Receive the 4D School Diploma
Find all five Helper Vouchers

Quest Academy
Worship a Sun God

Newbie Arena
Help a Sergeant Major
Help an old man make some clothes
Two more things for the Old West and Prehistoric zones
Find the Newbie Arena Zone Flag

Newbie Mini Zones
Help a Sheriff –Wanted: Dead, not alive
Find the Newbie Dry Gulch Zone Flag
Help Zera – Find her lost bracelet
Find the Newbie Android Factory Zone Flag
Save the Chieftain wife’s lost son
Find the Newbie Stone Age Zone Flag
To the Castle! Rescue a Prisoner
Find the Newbie Robber Baron’s Castle Zone Flag

Like I said in another thread I think we should extend this beyond the newbie zones.  Maybe Lionel takes care of this checklist and then directs you to Ms Smith with some mention of the nail polish you should have found.  Ms Smith does her thing and hands over the crystal bladed longsword (or some rogue/caster equivalent) and then her script continues by directing you to Cyrene, then to Farmer Joe's football then to Sanctuary Haze with the goal of reaching lvl?? and so on.  If Ms Smith hands out solid experience on top of the useful items you're finding anyway, people will keep coming back for her next tip.  That way they get a real taste of the realms before they have a chance to be overwhelmed by it all.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 07:02:09 pm by Jaros »

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Re: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2011, 09:09:28 pm »
Ms Smith, is a good choice for the quest hub mob. I think even the quests for her can yield significant exp, and give experience that will eventually get them to tier 4, maybe midway through. After that, they have some good equipment, Tier 4 of their first class and feel very accomplished at this point, by doing all of these quests, and getting all these gears and levels, all on their own. Just need a full line up of quests suitable.
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Re: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2011, 12:18:45 am »
Can we please stick to just the school at the moment and not move on to the quest line before I post on it. So we dont get ahead of ourselves. Ill try to get it up soon, and answer some of the questions.

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Re: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2011, 11:18:35 am »
I have to head out, but I have currently:
1) removed the backpack before Lionel, placing the sub-issue vest, lantern, waterskin and "very important letter" in the box with Lionel.
 - this removed the extra helmet and dagger that used to be in the backpack.
2) removed the bear skin from the box at Lionel.
3) Created a tuft of grass and put it in the maze
4) Created an earring and put it in the tuft of grass
- earring  gives +1CHA, +3 health regen, +10 move regen
- figured move regen would be good for newbies right now as that always seems to be an issue.  Didn't want the CHA or health regen to be too good. Will change this to any other suggestion provided approval from Molly.
5) Made the bandana a dual wear (Face/Neck)
6) Took out the moccasins and flintstone in prehistoric (I did leave the "sliver of flintstone" you get from under the stone as it helps people learn to remove items and wield other items - part of the sign or room description, I forget which).

I will work on the rest that has been decided on when I get back.  Make more firm decisions and I'll do a lot more work.  ;)


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Re: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2011, 01:43:37 pm »

Wow! You're right on the ball!

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Re: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2011, 06:41:26 pm »
They will probably need something telling them how to 'wear bandana ON neck.'

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Re: A newbs life in school, quest academy and after.
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2011, 08:40:14 pm »
One point made was that all things on this checklist should basically give enough exp for the first remort. That was a good point.