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Activates when commands are performed in the same room as the object.

This does not work for level 32 and above.

Numeric Arg : a bitfield to indicate where the object must be in order to cause

the trigger to activate.

Bits: 1: In character's worn equipment.

2: In character's carried inventory.

4: In same room with the character.

These bits can be set at once by adding the values.

7= worn, inv, room. 3 = worn, inv. 5 = worn, room.

Argument  : text which must be part of the command typed to filter out

uninteresting commands.

If 0 is returned by the trigger, character will receive the same message as

if the trigger did not exist, and any other command triggers will be checked.


%actor% - the character issuing the command

%cmd% - the exact command (without arguments) issued

%arg% - the arguments, if any, following the command

Example: {cRTSTAT 81{c0