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RULES for the {cBBlue Band{cW of Victory{c0 contest:

  • The Bearer of the Band can be challenged formally at any time, and the
    winner of the duel will be the new Bearer.
  • You challenge by throwing your glove at the Bearer's feet in the presence
    of at least three witnesses.
  • The Bearer must accept the challenge, or the Band will be forfeited to
    the Challenger.
  • A note must be posted at Recall, giving the time for the duel and
    the names of the contestants, so people can watch. If any of the two
    contestants don't show up at the right time, he/she loses on walkover.
  • The duels will take place in either of the Tournament Places of Olde
    Yorke or Durmandle - NOT the Arena. The Band Bearer gets the choice of
    time and place. At least 3 witnesses must be present, if possible an imm.
  • The fights must be fair, the rules are similar to those of the KOTM, no
    looting or sacrificing of corpses.
  • A note about the victor must be put up at Recall afterwards.
  • After a player loses in one of these battles he cannot challenge again
    for 30 days, Real Time.
  • A Band taken in any circumstance that is NOT a formal duel (for instance
    surprise attack, stealing or looting) will be forfeited.
  • While fighting neither contendant can leave the designated area, nor can
    they be helped by others.
  • The new winner of the band can't be challenged until two weeks have passed
    after the day he/she obtained the band.

The idea for this contest was submitted by Frash.