Usage: fuse - shows stats of the fused group
fuse <location> - lets you occupy (or leave) the fuse location
When a group is fused, it will fight as one. Every fuse member occupies one or
more fuse locations, similar to body positions. They are: top left, top center,
top right, center, lower left, and lower right. Every slot has six multipliers
for the stats speed, AC, hitroll, dam-bonus, accuracy, and evasion.
The multipliers for each slot are: 2 for two stats, and 1 for the others.
Topcenter: dam-bonus x2, speed x2
Topleft: evasion x2, accuracy x2
Topright: hitroll x2, evasion x2
Center: AC x2, dam-bonus x2
Lowerleft: speed x2, accuracy x2
Lowerright: AC x2, hitroll x2
The group stats are calculated by multiplying the individual stats of the
players with the multis, adding them together, and taking the average. They
replace a player's individual stats when fighting. Here's an example for speed:
let's say Alice and Bob fuse together. Alice has 600 speed, Bob has 450.
If Alice occupies topcenter and lowerleft, she will contribute 2x600 + 2x600 =
2400 to the group speed. Bob occupies the other slots and adds 450 + 450 + 450
+ 450 = 1800, which is 4200 in total, averaging to 700 group speed.
A fuse member can only contribute to the other members if they are in the same
See also: GROUP