From 4Dimensions
To see the gain of experience of the OrcRist, or the current spell it may
Type: {cGstat{c0
The levels at which it gains new spells:
level 1 : dispel evil
level 4 : color spray
level 8 : chill touch
level 13: evil eye
level 17: energy drain
level 23: holy shout
level 28: blindness
level 33: earthquake
level 38: fireball
level 44: lightning
level 51: chain lightning
level 75: harm
Gain Values:
For "Orc's" modifier is: 10
For any Evil aligned mob's modifier is: 30
For killing "Dwarf's" gain is: -5
Experience is worked out as:
for Orc's, the align is set at -1000.
(for values between -1 and -1000, the
mob align is (* -1))
((((<mob.level>)*100)/65)*<mob align>)/(<type of mob modifier>)
equals EXP gain.
See also: ORCRIST