What do we do with zoneflags/vouchers?
If you look at them, they actually tell you everything you need to know. But
since you're here instead - if you are the first ever to find a new zone flag
than it can be set in your clan's headquarters. Otherwise, collect 10 different
zone flags and turn them into an IMM and get 3 bronze tokens. The helper
vouchers (there are 5) are turned in to a helper. The more you get, the
better your reward. You do not need to get all 5 to turn them in. The rewards
are money, tokens and (with all 5) a special item.
Where is the best equipment?
Most of the best equipment comes from quests, so you'll have to use your
mind to get the best stuff, but you can get pretty decent items from the harder
zones as well. Shopkeepers sell only basic equipment so don't expect them to
have much.
Where can I buy a Recall scroll/detect invis potion?
Shops sell recall scrolls and detect invis potions - you just have to find the
right shop. Also, not all recall scrolls are called recall scrolls, so check
your scrolls carefully. Olde Yorke has a magic shop west of town square that
sells such items and is one of the easiest to get to.
Why can't I get an object from my backpack?
First check to see if you're wearing your backpack (type eq). If you are
remove it (rem backpack) and then get your object out of it
(get <object name> <backpack>). If that doesn't work, your problem may be
you don't actually have a backpack.