Opening of Maco’s New Zone – Victorian England II

We have a new zone in 4D, namely Victorian England II. And it’s not just any zone, it’s an unusually good one, built in reverence to one of our most popular zones,  Amber’s Victorian London.

Maco’s 300 room extension to VE adds several streets to the London map, but also landmarks like Castle Frankenstein, Scotland Yard, St Michael’s Cathedral and the Highgate Cemetary and the famous London Bridge over the River Thames. It opens a totally new view of the city from the roof tops, where the chimneysweeps reside. But it also gives insight in the darker and less reputable parts of London; shady alleys, dark tunnels and catacombs under the ground surface, and the infamous London Steamworks, where many a worker toiled to their death. And let’s not forget Diagon Alley; didn’t you all want to visit that secret part of London?

Special thanks go to the playtesters, Tor and Ivana, and Jubei and Vryce.

This new zone has amazingly good descriptions and several intriguing quests. But be warned – this is not an easy zone, and some parts of it are really dangerous. On the other hand; there are some unusually good rewards… I hope you all will enjoy this addition to the 4D World as much as I did.

Molly O’Hara – September 6th 2016